On 10/03/2003 09:58:35 PM, Thomas Spuhler wrote:
Pls read again. I didn't say any bugs have been fixed. I said there are
always bugs regardless how long you test.
What I said is that when bugs are found and one uses a RC it will be
obvious why if a RC is installed.
Names make a difference. How much does MS charge for their label on the
piece of software.

I think YOU missed the point.

Nowhere does it say RC-anything on the version on OpenOffice that will ship with 9.2... not the splash screen, and not the ABOUT dialog. I doubt if there are any significant bugfixes between the shipped version and the final anyway, and if there are (for example) serious security problems, they will be provided as updates. Who exactly will notice/care that it's an RC other than an RPM hacker?

The distro release has to be made on time. There is no waiting for new packages. If one waits of openoffice, why not kde, then why not mplayer 1.0, then why not mozilla 2.0? The only decision to be made was to ship old openoffice 1.0, or new 1.1. The 1.1 RC's were very stable as many cooker people attested, and the prospect of new features FAR outweighed any potential RC-quality problems.

Now the REAL question is this: Why doesn't Mandrake know what an RC is? OpenOffice.org releases actual release candidates... i.e. they are good enough to be releases. Mandrake Linux release candidates are in fact beta verisons. But that's a whole other discussion isn't it?

                                Austin Acton
       Synthetic Organic Chemist, Teaching Assistant, Ph.D. Candidate
              Department of Chemistry, York University, Toronto
       MandrakeLinux Volunteer Developer, homepage: www.groundstate.ca

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