
On Sun, 9 Feb 2003 22:35:15 +0100
Michael Scherer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So, as posted before, what about a groupware system.

Well, I'd vote for a WikiWikiWeb, as some already have proposed. Maybe
not for developing spec files and RPMs - but for documentation: where to
find what and guidelines and other stuff, maybe even ToDo-lists for

A Wiki is imho the best choice for this kind of work because it is easy.
If you find a mistake, you can correct it in matter of seconds. And you
don't loose quality because everyone can watch you and correct your
mistakes. It matches the FreeSoftware / OpenSource development process
quite well.

I've been using Wikis for some time now (linuxwiki.de and some other
private wikis as a team workplace / knowledgebase) and I really like
them. I don't want to hack HTML-pages any more - it is too much work, it
takes too much time and giving feedback is also too indirect.

That's why I would say: set up a wiki (e.g. MoinMoin, because it is easy
to setup and has nice features) somewhere and let's start filling it. If
it doesn't work, we at least tried it and we'll then probably know why
it didn't work and what has to be changed to make the process work. But
I think it will work - at least as a documentation about cooker, the
process and so on.

  Michael Reinsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       http://mr.uue.org

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