Hi Michael,

See below.

On Jun 5, 2022, at 5:58 PM, Michael Hall 
<mik3h...@gmail.com<mailto:mik3h...@gmail.com>> wrote:

./build/*/images/jdk/bin/jpackage --app-image 
~/HalfPipe/halfpipe_jpkg/outputdir/HalfPipe.app --mac-sign 
--mac-signing-key-user-name "Developer ID Application: Michael Hall 
Bundler Mac DMG Package skipped because of a configuration problem: When using 
an external app image you must specify the app name.
Advice to fix: Set the app name via the -name CLI flag, the 
fx:application/@name ANT attribute, or via the 'appName' bundler argument.

./build/*/images/jdk/bin/jpackage --app-image 
~/HalfPipe/halfpipe_jpkg/outputdir/HalfPipe.app --mac-sign 
--mac-signing-key-user-name "Developer ID Application: Michael Hall 
(5X6BXQB3Q7)" --name HalfPipe
Warning: Using unsigned app-image to build signed dmg.

*** The app-image was actually a signed one. I’m not sure that matters. Also 
since this would normally be my intention should there be a warning? ***

codesign -v --verbose=4 ~/HalfPipe/halfpipe_jpkg/outputdir/HalfPipe.app
/Users/mjh/HalfPipe/halfpipe_jpkg/outputdir/HalfPipe.app: valid on disk
/Users/mjh/HalfPipe/halfpipe_jpkg/outputdir/HalfPipe.app: satisfies its 
Designated Requirement

*** Seems successful ***

Thanks again.

Possibly my mistake somehow but codesign seems to flag something if the 
application is actually unsigned.

--verbose \
   --add-modules java.desktop,java.prefs,java.se<http://java.se> \
   --type app-image \
--input ./input \
--app-version 1.0  \
--name BlackJack\ Blastoff_Unsigned \
--main-jar bjb.jar \
--main-class org.bjb.BlackJackApp \
--java-options '-Xmx1024m -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50  
-Dapple.awt.application.name=Blackjack\ Blastoff’

[19:41:02.231] Creating app package: BlackJack Blastoff_Unsigned.app in 
[19:41:05.516] Command [PID: -1]:
   jlink --output /Users/mjh/Blackjack_Blastoff/bjb/bjb_jpkg/BlackJack 
Blastoff_Unsigned.app/Contents/runtime/Contents/Home --module-path 
/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-18.jdk/Contents/Home/jmods --add-modules 
java.desktop,java.prefs,java.se<http://java.se> --strip-native-commands 
--strip-debug --no-man-pages --no-header-files
[19:41:05.517] Output:

[19:41:05.518] Returned: 0

[19:41:05.545] Using default package resource JavaApp.icns [icon] (add 
BlackJack Blastoff_Unsigned.icns to the resource-dir to customize).
[19:41:05.547] Preparing Info.plist: 
[19:41:05.547] Using default package resource Info-lite.plist.template 
[Application Info.plist] (add Info.plist to the resource-dir to customize).
[19:41:05.550] Using default package resource Runtime-Info.plist.template [Java 
Runtime Info.plist] (add Runtime-Info.plist to the resource-dir to customize).
[19:41:05.551] Succeeded in building Mac Application Image package

./build/*/images/jdk/bin/jpackage --app-image 
~/Blackjack_Blastoff/bjb/bjb_jpkg/BlackJack\ Blastoff_Unsigned.app --mac-sign 
--mac-signing-key-user-name "Developer ID Application: Michael Hall 
(5X6BXQB3Q7)" --name BlackJack_Blastoff_Unsigned
Warning: Using unsigned app-image to build signed dmg.

open BlackJack_Blastoff_Unsigned-1.0.dmg

codesign -v --verbose=4 /Volumes/BlackJack_Blastoff_Unsigned/BlackJack\ 
/Volumes/BlackJack_Blastoff_Unsigned/BlackJack Blastoff_Unsigned.app: code has 
no resources but signature indicates they must be present
This is correct. You generated unsigned application image and then package it 
into DMG with signing enabled. In this case we will not sign app image. Only 
installer package will get signed and it applies only to PKG. DMG does not have 
any signing. This is was same behavior as before JDK-8286850.

You need to sign app image first:
./build/*/images/jdk/bin/jpackage --type app-image --app-image 
~/Blackjack_Blastoff/bjb/bjb_jpkg/BlackJack\ Blastoff_Unsigned.app --mac-sign 
--mac-signing-key-user-name "Developer ID Application: Michael Hall 
(5X6BXQB3Q7)" --name BlackJack_Blastoff_Unsigned

Then run command to generate DMG or PKG. Enable signing if you want PKG to be 
signed. No need to specify it for DMG if you generating DMG from predefined 
application image.

As for "code has no resources but signature indicates they must be present” I 
believe it is due to JDK-8277493 and it was fixed in JDK 19.

I am using the installed jdk18 to create the app-image. Would that need to be 
done with the same jdk with the changes applied?
Yes, if you need to sign app image after post processing it should be generated 
with JDK version which contains JDK-8286850 fix. Unless something will change 
jpackage from JDK 20 should able to sign app image generated by JDK 19, but JDK 
19 jpackage will not able to sign app image generated by JDK 18.

This is do to additional values are stored inside .jpackage.xml. As work around 
add following values into .jpackage.xml:
<main-class>MainClass</main-class> <- Your main class
<app-store>false</app-store> <- true if app image was generated with 


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