Good people of the Co. Tyrone, Ireland group of volunteers, 
I am still receiving messages. 
Gail Irwin Mooney 

On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 6:10 AM, Jim McKane via CoTyroneList < > wrote: 

Hi CTI Supporters - 

If you've already received this message, my apologies for yet another attempt 
at this message. 

However, I believe I found the issue with the list software vs. some newer 
policies by the spam checkers down the line which caused a huge number of List 
Members' email to be bounced back and their memberships disabled. 

If you have not already responded, please give this your consideration. 

Thanks, Jim 
PROBLEM - as you know using any search engine to locate individual names 
on any website leaves a lot to be desired. As an example typing "james 
mckane" into any search engine will find instances of James McKane with the 
two words beside each other and in that order only. If you only type james 
mckane (without the quotes) you then get every page with the two words 
anywhere on those pages......... meaning you might find Thomas McKane and 
James Smith in your results but not James McKane. 

INVESTIGATION - I have invested a lot of time lately including investing in 
considerable with a professional programmer in an attempt to find an 
automated solution to the problem which has resulted in......... there is 
NO easy way! Why? Well the major reason is CTI has far too many types of 
records in far too many formats to automate the process. 

SOLUTION - The ONLY solution is plain brute force............ meaning 
manually creating spreadsheet lists of surnames and firstnames for each 
page on CTI. I would then massage those lists into a fully searchable 
database similar to the one recently created for the Tithe Applotment Books. 


- Do you feel this is a worthwhile project? 
- If so, would you be willing to type some lists for us? 
- If so, please give us an idea of how many hour/days/weeks you might 
expect to dedicate to our project. 

If you wish to keep your responses private, please email me directly 

Thanks for your consideration, 
Jim McKane, webmaster 
Jim McKane 
South Bruce Peninsula, Ontario 

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