Am 2005-03-15 14:24:38, schrieb Michael Nguyen:

> I'm curious Michelle...  Do you know how many servers your ISP has for these
> 4.5M users?  Your next email says 60, so is it really 75,000 users per
> system?

Thats not all, because a "standard" and FREE Mailbox has only
20 MByte, which is in theorie 1, 2 TByte of Diskspace. AFAIK
has each Server around 300 GByte (3 x 147 GByte)

So it has 5 times more $USER as Diskspace...

And YES I have had problems for some month because Viruses with
<random_local_part> has hit us...

I have gotten around 287.000 Viruses of 163 kByte (I think, you
know this size)

I have encounterd that my 260 E-Mail adresses at are
located on only 17 Servers...

...and I check my E-Mails all 10 Minutes via IMAP.

One after on...

"courier-imap" is quiet robust, except the MTA... I do not know
why, but on high load, like from Viruses, I was runing into
trouble with my Server in Paris and around 8.000 $USER on a
AMD Athlon MP1900 with 2 GByte of memory and IPC/Vortex Raid-5
with 3x 18 GByte (System) and 6x 147 GByte (Mails).

My FileServer at home has nfs-kernel-server, samba, netatalk, apache,
proftpd, courier-imap-ssl, courier-mta-ssl, webmail and ssh. Then
fetchmail, procmail spamassassin and f-prot.

Curently 180 $USER many permanently with ssh. I run a AMD Sempron 2200+
with 512 MB of Memory and 3Ware Raid-5 with 3x 180 GByte (IBM)

I can't tell you the load, but it nothing...

I think, with 75.000 $USER, you need a Dual Athlon MP2400 with
4 GByte of memory...

The load is realy low, but you need VERY good Harddisks

> Michael


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, 
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/88452356    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

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