On 2/4/2022 11:30 AM, George Bruseker wrote:
Following on this helpful new iteration of the thought by Martin maybe a phrasing like 'in distinction to facts established directly through / at the level  of material physical processes and interactions' is more expressive of the content/intent?
I think this is much better!.

For me a socially constructed fact is a fact that does not correspond to material interactions, but is based on propositional objects a certain community maintains in an explicit form, typically codified. It is real in the sense that the communication of the information is (must be) observable, and people materially react or are forced by members of the community to react in a specific way in applicable situations. I use to connect the foreseen reactions to activity plans.

It is further important to be very precise and differentiated about the subgroups or individuals formulating, adhering to, accepting, tolerating or enforcing such institutions and the supporting evidence. Even statements about majorities doing anything of this kind in a certain community should not be confused with representing a communities institutions. I think the text should reflect that.

I think  the text should be more clear about the sense of "fact" used, and the modelling work should clearly differentiate particulars "I am married", "getting married" from the institution of "marriage" and a particular definition of "marriage" instituted. I believe that thinking of any of them being out of space or/and time and detached from the individuals supporting it will create a completely different sense for the link to evidence, basically not comparable. I'd also like to refer to Kant's opinion about the role of space and time in cognition.

I think since evidence in social sciences is much debated and normally statistically justified, well known criticism in the application and validity of statistical reasoning should be taken into account by some form of differentiated position.

Finally, if using conceptual "standards" from particular disciplinary schools, even from a whole discipline, is intended, I'd expect serious considerations about the cultural bias this introduces.

All the best,


On Thu., Feb. 3, 2022, 11:52 p.m. Martin Doerr via Crm-sig, <crm-sig@ics.forth.gr> wrote:

    On 2/2/2022 10:36 PM, Francesco Beretta via Crm-sig wrote:

    Dear Martin,

    Thank you for your message and comments.

    The sentence in question is not the happiest, and George and
    myself were not totally satisfied with the wording but it was
    necessary to send the homework to the SIG. We can of course
    reword it and a refomulation that is certainly also not the best
    one but expresses the same sense could be:

    " For facts which are established by convention as opposed to
    facts observed in an objective manner

    sure, should be something like the material process characterizing
    the events,

    Take an exemple. I organize a garden party and all my friends and
    guests are happy. But there’s a major difference if I do this
    privately in 2019 or if I’m a prime minister and there’s a COVID
    pandemic and I just imposed restrictive measures on the whole
    population of my country. The [objective / spatio-temporal]
    observed fact is the same, a crm:E5 garden party, but the social
    ‘facts’ arount it —my social function, the law establishing that
    garden parties are not allowed, etc. etc.— add a social overlay
    to the event which —for humans living in society— changes
    everything and has totally different consequences. CRMbase is
    concerned with objective spatio-temporal facts (from E4 Period
    downward this is the substance of facts : “This class comprises
    sets of coherent phenomena or cultural manifestations occurring
    *in time **and space*.”)

    On the other hand, social facts are situated in another space
    that could be called the intentional-temporal, that is to say,
    the space of phenomena specific to human societies observed
    through the filter of their conventions or collective
    representations. There is no opposition but a perfect
    articulation because the social is grafted onto the
    spatio-temporal (or the physical and biological) but adding an
    overlay that allows different groups of humans to interpret the
    same ‘objective’ fact as being two quite different situations: a
    totally normal and a big problem.

    But I propose to discuss all this, as you proposed earlier, in
    person at a live, even if digital, meeting.



    Le 02.02.22 à 20:11, Martin Doerr via Crm-sig a écrit :
    Dear Francesco,

    I find this text very well written and clear. My only question
    is, why:

    " For facts which are established by convention as opposed to
    pure spatio-temporal facts,"

    I do not see ground in the CRMbase, and the methodology applied,
    to regard that facts which are described in the CRM are "pure
    spatio-temporal", even if some of the classes and properties
    applied may describe only a spatiotemporal confinement. The CRM
    is very clear that the substance of Temporal Entities is not

    Further, respective facts you describe would be based on human
    activities, and E7 is defined explicitly as being intentional in

    Finally, and most important, there seems to be a
    misunderstanding of CRM descriptions in general: no
    classification and properties of the CRM are exhaustive or
    "pure" in any sense. This is also the major idea behind multiple
    instantiation, and open world. Describing an item in terms of
    CRM does not make any statement what else it is not, except for
    a few definitely disjoint classes.

    Since this is a key concept of the CRM, part of the principles,
    it should be discussed. To my understanding, no extension can be
    characterized as "opposed to" another, it would violate its
    logical foundations.

    All the best,


    On 2/1/2022 2:13 PM, Francesco Beretta via Crm-sig wrote:
    Dear all,

    Please find in attachment the homework of George Bruseker and
    myself concerning "Issue 580: CRMsoc redefinition of scope" for
    presentation at the next SIG.

    All the best,


    Crm-sig mailing list

-- ------------------------------------
      Dr. Martin Doerr
Honorary Head of the
      Center for Cultural Informatics
Information Systems Laboratory
      Institute of Computer Science
      Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
      GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece
Vox:+30(2810)391625 Email:mar...@ics.forth.gr Web-site:http://www.ics.forth.gr/isl

    Crm-sig mailing list

    Crm-sig mailing list

-- ------------------------------------
      Dr. Martin Doerr
Honorary Head of the
      Center for Cultural Informatics
Information Systems Laboratory
      Institute of Computer Science
      Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
      GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece
Vox:+30(2810)391625 Email:mar...@ics.forth.gr Web-site:http://www.ics.forth.gr/isl

    Crm-sig mailing list

 Dr. Martin Doerr
Honorary Head of the
 Center for Cultural Informatics
Information Systems Laboratory
 Institute of Computer Science
 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece
Vox:+30(2810)391625 Email:mar...@ics.forth.gr Web-site:http://www.ics.forth.gr/isl
Crm-sig mailing list

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