Alexander Klimov writes, in part:
 | It sounds like: we cannot make secure OS because it is too
 | large -- let us don't bother to make a smaller secure OS,
 | just add some more software and hardware to an existent
 | system and then it will be secure. Sounds like a fairytale :-)

As yet another variation on the theme "complexity is the
enemy of security," consider patches.  Patches tend to
add complexity to the code they patch, viz., it is the
rare patch indeed that simply elides some non-working

Taking as our metric the venerable McCabe score:

   v(G) = e - n + 2

where e and n are the number of edges and nodes in the
control flow graph, and where you are in trouble when
v(G)>10 in a single module, the simplest patch adds two
edges and one node, i.e., v'(G)=v(G)+1, and that minimum
obtains only for patches with no conditional branches in
the patch.

If someone wanted to have fun, it would be to examine
what fraction of patches are themselves re-patched at
a later date -- as in Fred Brooks' famous dictum in
_The Mythical Man Month_ where, in paraphrase, he said
that you should stop patching when the probability of
fixing a known problem is no longer substantially
greater than the probability of simultaneously creating
an unknown problem.

Yet security patches are a special case: no vendor can
obey Brooks' Law, and so they will inevitably over-run
the boundary condition where the known flaw the new
patch patches is no longer likely to be substantially
more probable than the inadvertent introduction of an
unknown flaw at the same time.  As such, I would guess
that the more often an application receives security
patches the less secure it is, at least at the limit.


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