Of the 5 ways to join a CS:GO server ...
1) Click the arrow next to your Steam friend on the Windows desktop, then "Join 
2) Lauch CS:GO, click on your friend in the game main menu, then "Join Game"
3) Use the Community Server browser (add server to favourites, use Friends tab, 
find server manually)
4) Direct connect (bring up the console, then connect xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx 
5) Steam URI handler (steam://connect/xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx method in a chat 

... has anyone in this mailing list managed to host a server which allows 
clients to connect using ALL of these methods? 

For me, the direct connect method is the only way which has consistently always 
worked for everyone trying to join, but this is effort for n00bs (also there 
are issues with bringing up the console which don't exist in any other Source 
game). The Steam URI method, as we have commented on before, leads to 
client-side performance issues and using the Community server browser basically 
defeats the purpose of having a pretty re-vamped front-end when all a player 
wants to do is join the server that his/her friend is in.

So realistically, I want people to be able to join reliably using methods 1 & 
2, but it's extremely hit-and-miss depending on the player. Perhaps it's an 
issue with my launch .bat (it's fairly standard and I'm using net_public_adr 
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, not ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx in the startup line).

Does anyone have an answer to this, or is this another one of CS:GO's many 
perks? It's annoying the hell out of me.
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