cj wrote:

>i have a background globe graphic that i want to stay fixed in the
>bottom right of the viewport.  it works correctly when i don't have
>"fixed" declared, but after i add that part, scrolling creates a grey
>screen that covers it up.
>i tried to make a minimal test case:
>- any advice when dealing with IE, because that browser just doesn't get it.
In FF Developers mode (edit css):
(1) without "fixed" for the bg-image there is also the grey under part - 
because of the fixed 100% height of the .master-form (outer container). 
The min-height of the inner .pagecontainer then doesn't help (doesn't 
stretch the outer one with white bg and the globe).
(2) replacing by .master-form { min-height: 100%; }does work in FF.
- Didn't test in real circumstances.

Assuming it is impossible in your content-management ("as usual") to 
hang the bg-img in the body, I'm afraid it only can be realized with 
javascript... and even then not too good / more distrurbing then when 
scrolling with the content (think "dancing globe" or "hopping globe" at 
scrolling, and with some retarding, because of js-counting the whole 
rather big image px by px (before rendering) at every distance you 
scroll down or up.
Or perhaps a proprietary IE thing which I don't know (Googled the 
MSDN-database already?).


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