Hello List,

This is my first attempt at CSS using columns, floats etc.

I have been experiencing problems and would appreciate a website check.

In my first attempt at css columns I had a problem with the ... 
background image .... no repeat-y"
I first created the page and tested it in IE 6 . where it would render ok

When testing in FF and Opera . the background would not repeat / column 
widths are erratic / column lengths are erratic / top navigation is not 
staying within the <div id="wrapper">


I did ask for help on the list and Ingo Chao replied with..

"Understanding CSS-concepts like floating is easier if you start 
creating your site in FF or Opera."
After several attempts I still haven't managed to get the image to 
repeat in FF and Opera.

I have since created another main page, this time to suit FF 1.5 and 
Opera 9.0
and this time I have used an image and color individually for the columns.


In FF, IE6 and Opera, I still have problems with column (length) 
alignment, spacing and top navigation (breaching its retainer)etc.

Just hoping someone on the list could help me out here .. I think I may 
have to go back to basics and start again.
I am learning so much from just sitting back and observing the list.
Hopefully I will gain enough expertise to possible help someone else one 
day!! :-)

Is it possible to have on the same website, separate linked or import 
style sheets to suit different browsers, as I have never heard of this 
before ..

Thanks in advance,

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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