David Laakso wrote:
> Atkinson, Sarah wrote:
>> I go to a website fairly regularly and their styles are horrible. It's just 
>> too painful for me to look at anymore. Is there away for me to create a 
>> Stylesheet for it and have my browser automatically override there styles? I 
>> know to many of you this might sound horrible but don't worry no designers 
>> feelings will get hurt... I'm sure that no designers were used in making the 
>> site. 
> I go to lots of those. No time to create a user style sheet for each.
> My fast and dirty method makes the hideous and grotesque instantly 
> readable, functional, and usable:
> Opera browser>view>style>user mode.

Firefox with Web Developer Toolbar: Ctrl-Shift-L turns off all stylesheets.

Or you could think of it as an opportunity to redesign it a bit yourself 
and maybe approach them about doing it for a fee ...

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