On May 3, 2009, at 3:44 AM, david wrote:

>>> I go to a website fairly regularly and their styles are horrible.  
>>> It's just too painful for me to look at anymore. Is there away for  
>>> me to create a Stylesheet for it and have my browser automatically  
>>> override there styles? I know to many of you this might sound  
>>> horrible but don't worry no designers feelings will get hurt...  
>>> I'm sure that no designers were used in making the site.
>> I go to lots of those. No time to create a user style sheet for each.
>> My fast and dirty method makes the hideous and grotesque instantly
>> readable, functional, and usable:
>> Opera browser>view>style>user mode.
> Firefox with Web Developer Toolbar: Ctrl-Shift-L turns off all  
> stylesheets.

Firefox without any add-on: View menu > Page Style > No style.

Safari also has such an option. Turn on the debug menu, the option is:
Develop menu > disable styles

This is an interesting experiment:
Because face it, for the average user, user stylesheet are hard, very  

To keep the whole thing relatively on topic:

1. the ability to disable page styling is interesting to analyse how  
muchyour page is structurally sound (does the page depends on page  
styling/css to make sense ?).

2. Question: how much do you think about the possibility of userstyles  
interfering with your stylesheets when you develop a site ?

Philippe Wittenbergh

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