Elli Vizcaino wrote:
That's nice. How dose that help OP? And if the OP is not concerned
about it, now... just why did she write about it in the first
place? In my estimation the font in question remains a real-world
problem and ignoring that issue for a reason that happens to be
convenient at the moment does not make it go away.

Because I thought there was a way to "fix" make fonts identical via
Safari conditional comments - something I've come to learn is
strictly for IE browsers only. After seeing the screen shot that
Phillipe posted I deemed it wasn't as bad as I thought just on my
windows version of Safari and some other browser Phillipe pointed to
which has low usage. I agree with what Barney had to say and I think
he is 100% right! Sorry David but this is not about ignoring a real
world issue for reasons that happen to be convenient at the moment. I
don't think anyone ever has designed/build a website to render 100%
identical across every single browser in existence. One has to decide
at what point it's good enough and what one can live with, you just
don't happen to agree...

I saw one once. I think someone on this or webdesign-l mentioned it as a
joke. Every single character on the page was done as an in-line image of
their chosen font at their chosen font size (and color). ;-)

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