When you use a path like "fonts/creampuff.ttf" that is

> relative to where your css file is located at and so the browser is
> going to look in
> "http://www.e7flux.com/e7flux2012/css/fonts/creampuff.ttf".  

I also think you're convinced it's an absolute path issue but it's not. You get 
an error message because I'm a WP and it's PHP driven and directories just work 
a little differently - people just cant get direct access to a directory on WP, 
just because it exist - it just doesn't work that way. And as already stated 
several times FF doesn't render the font even w the absolute path. 

Someone else already responded that there was an issue w the font itself a 
corruption of some sort which is what I was suspecting and I was able to check 
it out in a font programmer which confirmed it was an altered version of the 
original. At this point, I am moving on to another font. And I will set up my 
@font-face the same way and send you a link directly to see what happens. 


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