>Really you had two issues going on.  First was your pathing issue

>which prevented the rest of us from seeing the problem (unless we had>the font 
>installed) and you did get that corrected for creampuff and I

>was able to verify that the font is now downloading properly with no

The thing is it still wasn't downloading for me in FF on my machine (Windows 7) 
at all even w path corrected. All other browsers were rendering the Creampuff 
font with both relative and absolute path. 

The second issue as was pointed out is that the font file
>itself was corrupt.  BTW, if you still wanted to use the creampuff
>font I was able to download a good, non-corrupted, version (in all the
>supported formats) from here http://www.fonts2u.com/creampuff.font and
>it includes the @font-face download with a stylesheet containing the
>necessary @font-face code.  I did download your code and was able to
>get it working locally in all browsers.  Here's the @font-face I used
>with the font files downloaded from the link above:>@font-face {

>    font-family:"Creampuff";
>    src:url("../fonts/CREAMPUF.eot?")
>    font-weight:normal;
>    font-style:normal;

Thanks so much! I went ahead and 
downloaded the font from this link even though, it's still the same font with 
same altered signature as the one I had before. I implemented the 
@font-face kit markup and used absolute paths and everything is working 
fine. But because it's the same font I had as before it makes me wonder 
why FF had such issues w it since all other browsers were rendering it, 
regardless of relative path. I had also changed the name of file from CREAMPUF 
to creampuff as I hate using caps, so I don't know if somewhere within the file 
itself there was embedded code for a specific file name to be used. 

>I went ahead and took some screenshots of the SOF project you
>referenced as "working" so you could see what I'm seeing with that
>project.  Again I downloaded a good copy of "Little Days" font from
>the same site I got creampuff from and I downloaded your code locally
>so you can see the difference between "Little Days" not working and it
>working.  Here is what I see in Chrome 16 for your SOF site:
>Top half of page:
>Bottom half of page:

There's a bit of confusion for me here. I thought you initially stated you were 
using Chrome 17? Now you are saying Chrome 16 - I'm only on 16 and it's been no 
problem. The other thing is, these screeshots are a bit small to get the full 
view but it looks to me like the other custom font that I'm using: Candara is 
displaying - yet the path is still relative as I have not changed the code for 
this yet. That's interesting because the problem seems to only be w Little 
Days. And as I also stated previously, you are the first to tell me you weren't 
getting the Little Days font rendered. Can you provide a close-up of Candara 
(content well text)? I think I will have to post some sort of test check to get 
more feedback before I change the code to absolute paths. It's just intriguing 
to see the many different behaviors going on w @font-face. There doesn't seem 
to be any consistency and can vary for so many different reasons...

Just found this on Google. Some worthy @font-face gotchas to note: 

Elli Vizcaino
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