-Caveat Lector-

by Gabrielle Stevenson ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
(www.worldnetdaily.com)    1/6/99

     You may soon hear the following ad on your local radio station:
"Dear Mr. President," says the voice of a little boy. " My mom's mad at
I was playing ball in the house when a vase got busted. My mom asked me
if I broke the vase and I said 'No' because I didn't. I wasn't anywhere
when it broke. Sure, I threw the ball that knocked over the vase, but it
the floor that actually broke it. So technically, I was telling the
truth. So,
Mom grounded me, not for breaking the vase, but for lying about it. Now

can't play Little League anymore and I'm the team's best pitcher. Could
you please call my mom, Mr. President, 'cause you can explain lying
better than anybody. Thanks, Joey. P.S. When I grow up I want to be
president just like you."
     The national ad campaign is the brainstorm of singer-songwriter
Vaus -- and that spot is one of a series of four or five that will begin
as soon as this weekend in the Washington, D.C. market.
     "I've taken on some wild and woolly efforts and sometimes they take
off and this one has done just that," Vaus said. "We seem to have hit a
hot button here."
     It's called the "Dear Mr. President" campaign. The plan is to air
advertisements in children's voices that address the moral shortcomings
of President Clinton. Vaus has asked for monetary donations for as

as a dollar to help finance the cost of running the ads -- and through.
     Says Vaus, "I need to reach the people with this concept of putting
(Clinton's) behavior in everyday family terms. This isn't the Republican
Party out there on an ad campaign or the Christian Coalition. This is

guy with a lot of friends saying, 'Listen folks, we need to pay
all of this or we're going downhill, fast.'"
     Vaus said he has a simple desire.  "We need to reach the people who
continue to think that Bill Clinton is doing a great job and still think
to be left in office. Once we do that by effectively communicating, we
going to see a shift in public opinion."
     One reason why Vaus decided to get involved with the issues
the president is because he was disappointed with the polls and the
of the public.
     "Like so many people, I've been so frustrated that there's this
with the American people," he said. "There have been so many people who
have been so eloquent and articulate for so long about these issues yet
there's this public disconnect. They just don't seem to care."
     The first radio ads will be recorded today. "We are going to start
non-conservative radio. Then we are going to air the ads in New York,
assess the money from there," said Vaus. "The money is going to be spent
on reaching out to different stations beyond the conservative stations.
Whether it be pop music (stations), whether it be urban or whether it be
country. Whatever the top-rated station is in the market wherever we can
buy time (is where the ads will air). We need to reduce these issues to
simple terms and taken them outside the realm of politics. We need to
show that this kind of behavior effects us down the road. What happens

the beltway doesn't happen in a vacuum.
     "This is truly, in every sense of the word, a grass-roots campaign.
These ads are designed to reach out like somebody trying to sell

except we are selling a better America."
     Vaus is gaining recognition from his efforts on a daily basis.
conservative radio shows have offered to air the commercials free of
and have asked Vaus to speak on the air as well.
     "I happened to be blessed with some great inspiration for the
I'm not talented enough to be brilliant."    Vaus said he got the idea

running such ads with family-value ideas, "from the book of Dick Morris,
for lack of a better term. At every turn in the road the Democrats
the Republicans, they out-maneuver them. Often times they fall back on
family, they always use children. The reason they do that is that people
connect with family."
     "We have an opportunity to reach out like we've never reached out
and connect with people we've never connected with before and

the most urgent message in contemporary life," Vaus said. "All of this
Washington does matter, and here is how it is going to matter in your
everyday life."
     Using the family theme, Vaus says, will only help in spreading the
message.  "If we don't put it in 'dinner table terms,' for the people, I
think they are going to get it," said Vaus. "I want people to listen to
radio spots and think, 'I never thought of it that way before.' That is
what I
am trying to accomplish."
     Anyone can read about the campaign as well as make donations to the
fund through Vaus's web site. Once logged on to the website, the

asks that each person forward the message to 10 people and continue to
forward it by email as well.
     "It is critical that we all do both things," Vaus said. "This is
taking a
of energy and time and it is going to take a whole lot more effort. This
only has a lifespan of about two to three weeks. There is a big job to
Vaus said his mailbox is overflowing as well.
     "My mailbox has been jammed everyday," he said. "I have to get a
bucket out there to get all of the mail from people sending a dollar,
and some up to as much as $250."
     The mailing address is
                         DEAR MR. PRESIDENT
                         P.O. Box 28700
                     San Diego, CA 92198.

c. 1999 Western Journalism Center
*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any
copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without
profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in
the included information for non-profit research and educational
only.  [Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

Write eMail to Steve Vaus ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and go to his
web page:  (www.stevevaus.com).    Don't add him to your REGULAR
mailing list to receive a LOT of mail - because he doesn't have time...
but BE SURE to help him all you can by FORWARDING all of these
messages.....Dot Bibee

                               CONNECT THE DOTS
                         Dot Bibee ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
                  Knoxville, TN  Ph/FAX (423) 577-7011
        "To Deny the Constitution is to Provoke Revolution"

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