-Caveat Lector- 
I had thorough discussions with both Mark Urban and Jim Rarey about the forgery issue.  Certainly neither of them accused me of posting forgeries.  Some regular members of cia-drugs expressed strong doubts to me about your judgment in weirdly fastening on the forgery and sock puppet charges.
Truthfulness and fairness are two qualities that I prize above all others.  This is why I defended you in private email with Brian when he accused you of being an Octopus operative, in cahoots with Phoenix and Duncan.  Subsequently, you managed to completely destroy any sympathy I had for you when you started in on your insulting rants against me.
Every message that was posted in cia-drugs by others from Brian is perfectly consonant with the style and content of Brian's private email during his last months.  Anyone who was corresponding with Brian knows that.
I applaud your research into Skull & Bones, and wish that you and others would probe much deeper.  I find it disappointing, however, that so little of that research connects in any detailed way to contemporaneous events in the Bush administration.  I want more on this subject, not less.
It seems apparent to me that the highest levels of Skull & Bones are now going to pull the plug on George Junior.  He has been an enormous embarrassment to them.  It looks like they've had quite enough of his bungling and misadventures.
I strongly doubt that the big mess he has made is the product of sinister S&B advance planning and conniving.  The neocons managed to get his ear and spectacularly derail him.  This was a guy who was genuinely opposed to nation-building when he began his term.  They flipped him from that position to the messianic belief that was on a heroic mission to reform and rebuild the entire Mideast.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Kris Millegan's Recent False Charges in CTRL

-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 9/29/03 10:18:59 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

-Caveat Lector-


You provided absolutely NO evidence to support your FALSE claims that forged emails were posted to cia-drugs.  Your charge about forged emails is either a flat-out lie or the product of a disturbed and delusional mind.  People who were exchanging private email with Brian during his last months instantly recognized the emails in question as being authentic.



Eastman posted a  "post" That Brian had supposedly sent to him. On this email there were "cc" notices that said the "post" was sent to Jim Rarey, Mark Urban and Bob. None of those folks received that "post."

I showed where an earlier email purported to be from Brian to Webfairy had been "edited."

This proof has been posted and is in archives.

All I see from you are words and rhetoric.

You are a cowardly liar, McFraud.

If you continue to choose to dispute this, then provide your proof of email forgeries here and now.  I challenge you to produce a single person who was corresponding with Brian, and who knew his thoughts, to support you.

Jim Rarey and Mark Urban have already done that. They are real people. Who are you?

You failed to provide such proof in the past, and you will be unable to do so now.

So , please tell me, what proof have you ever shown?

Someone who shows so little regard for the truth in such a matter cannot be trusted to be careful with the truth on any subject.


So, pray tell, in my expose on the Order of Skull & Bones am I untruthful?

What seems to be the case is that you were embarrassed by the fact that Brian suspected you of being a dishonest operative of some kind, and that your response was to dismiss his comments as forgeries and the persons who honestly reported these comments as Cointelpro agents.

No, McFraud, you, Eastman and webfairy were shown to be cowards and liars.

Kris Millegan


----- Original Message -----



Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 12:48 PM

Subject: Re: [CTRL] Kris Millegan's Recent False Charges in CTRL

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/29/03 9:30:23 AM,

The only "proof" you provided to support your conspiracy theories about an elaborate plot against yourself was infantile name-calling and a delirious stream of disconnected song lyrics.  The only person you managed to convince of this lunacy is yourself.

Gee, McFraud, I guess you have a selective memory. It was shown from several sources that you, Eastman and Webfairy used forged emails to make petty points. Your statements belie your rhetorical farce.


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