-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 9/29/03 11:49:18 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

-Caveat Lector-


I had thorough discussions with both Mark Urban and Jim Rarey about the forgery issue.  Certainly neither of them accused me of posting forgeries.  Some regular members of cia-drugs expressed strong doubts to me about your judgment in weirdly fastening on the forgery and sock puppet charges.

McFraud,  I have also had "discussions" with these two gentleman AND neither of them received the email supposedly cc'd to them. Did any of your discussion show that they had receved the forged email?  


Truthfulness and fairness are two qualities that I prize above all others.  This is why I defended you in private email with Brian when he accused you of being an Octopus operative, in cahoots with Phoenix and Duncan.  Subsequently, you managed to completely destroy any sympathy I had for you when you started in on your insulting rants against me.

How nice of you, McFraud.  Please keep your sympathy for yourself.


Every message that was posted in cia-drugs by others from Brian is perfectly consonant with the style and content of Brian's private email during his last months.  Anyone who was corresponding with Brian knows that.

Brian was also corresponding with myself. You are shameless in your use of Brian's death to advance your agenda.


I applaud your research into Skull & Bones, and wish that you and others would probe much deeper.  I find it disappointing, however, that so little of that research connects in any detailed way to contemporaneous events in the Bush administration.  I want more on this subject, not less.

No one is stopping you.   

It seems apparent to me that the highest levels of Skull & Bones are now going to pull the plug on George Junior.  He has been an enormous embarrassment to them.  It looks like they've had quite enough of his bungling and misadventures.

Oh and what are these highest levels? What is the agenda for these highest levels?

I strongly doubt that the big mess he has made is the product of sinister S&B advance planning and conniving.  The neocons managed to get his ear and spectacularly derail him.  This was a guy who was genuinely opposed to nation-building when he began his term.  They flipped him from that position to the messianic belief that was on a heroic mission to reform and rebuild the entire Mideast.

What a bunch of crap. Your same old tarbaby. The neo-cons are the bad guys and the CFR crowd are true Americans.


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