-Caveat Lector- As Professor Sutton said, these guys go to war to lose. As my Branch-Chief in the CIA-father told me, Vietnam was about drugs and that "they" were playing out a lose scenario and the "they" were secret societies. My father told me that in the late sixities. He left the CIA in the 50's because of narcotics trafficking.

Because of the situation in Iraq, will there arise a clamor for either NATO or UN oversight? The Vietnam "War" was exploited by many folks in many ways, Connecticut arms manufacturers and the psy-war folks used in to create and nuture divisions among the populace, emotional idealogue drain-offs - both right and left. These guys know how to "play" war well ...

You really don't get it McFraud, but then your "persona" wouldn't be worth much if it did.

What "they" wish us to believe is really getting rather far-fetched and the majority are not buying and dissaffection is growing daily. I am sure there will be attempts to hijack and redirect and possibly massive "terrorist" strikes, especially the west coast, but they won't work. The culture far exceeds "their" ability to control. The future that is coming down the pike includes complete exposure of the secret societies their crimes and corruptions. Beaware of where you stand when change proceeds.


In a message dated 12/8/03 12:11:34 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Just more good cop/bad cop routine by CFR member Gingrich.

Do you think so?


I see a Republican Party in disarray, as most of the predictions that were made by the chickenhawks before the war have been shattered by reality.  They broke Iraq, and now they can't fix it.  They have to cover their asses now, and they are struggling to find a graceful exit.  The problem is, there is no graceful exit in sight -- only failure and humiliation.  They are in squirm mode, flopping around like a fish on the dock.  There is no plan behind it all, just one stupid miscalculation after another.  We got drawn into the same trap in Iraq that the Russians were drawn into in Afghanistan.  We're sitting ducks now.  Our adversaries are free to toy with us, on their turf.  Every Iraqi is a potential spy and guerrilla -- Bremer will be unable to sort out friends from foes.


Bush, with his dumb bluster, has alienated most of the other nations in the world, including our most important traditional allies, so they have no interest in helping us.  They are probably richly enjoying Bush's comeuppance in Iraq, after enduring so many insults from him.  Bush threw away a tremendous treasure of good will towards America in a very few months -- it was an extraordinary performance in mismanagement, but not a surprising performance based on his track record.


Donald Rumsfeld, who can see the handwriting on the wall, no fool he, is trying to distance himself from the fanatics in the Cheney group, using Gingrich as a mouthpiece.  There is a real split within the Republican Party over Mideast policy in general.  Many Republicans are beginning to realize just how unreliable and crazy the neocons are.  After the Iraq fiasco, we can probably now write off the grandiose schemes of the neocons for waging World War IV in five or six other Mideast nations.


Dick Cheney is being set up by the media to take the fall for the whole mess -- this much is obvious.  Many of the neocons are now pretending that they had nothing to do with what went wrong.  It was all Cheney's fault, you see.  He made them do it.  And whatever you do, leave Israel out of it.


Mideast experts, as opposed to Mideast ideologues, accurately predicted these outcomes before the war -- it was an easy call.


I know you think the CFR has a centralized grip on everything.  It's a free country -- that's your privilege. :)  Keep the interesting conspiracy theories coming -- who knows, you might strike gold.

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