-Caveat Lector-

<<You could easily discover that homoepathy in the U.S. was subjected
the same sort of pressure by the AMA and the pharmaceutical industry
that they were BUSTED for w/regard to Chiropractic. You might begin to
imagine that MONEY IS the issue, and HEALTH is not- healthy people will
not PAY THROUGH THE NOSE for expensive pharmaceuticals, and so- MUST
NOT have access to alternatives in order for the drug industry to

Ditto for midwifery. To the obstetrician, a midwife is competition, so
they put forth the disinfo that medicated, even surgical births
(episiotomy and C-section) are always safer than a natural, relaxed
birth. And the obstetricians get a lot of money from the drug companies
to push formula over breastfeeding. Best book I've seen on the subject:
Milk, Money & Madness: The Culture & Politics of Breastfeeding by Naomi
Baumslag & Dia Michels (Bergen & Garvey, 1995).
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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