-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Descendants of US slaves sue firms for unpaid work
Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles
Wednesday September 04 2002
The Guardian

Descendants of slaves in the United States have filed a lawsuit against Lloyd's of 
London and other leading companies for compensation for the unpaid work carried out by 
their ancestors.

The lawsuits, which were filed this week in San Francisco and New York, claim that the 
companies benefited financially from the work of slaves and should repay the profits 

The oldest man in the US, the son of a slave, is one of the plaintiffs.

The legal action is the latest move in a national campaign in the US for reparation 
for all the work done by slaves. Its aims are encapsulated in the book The Debt: What 
America Owes to Blacks, by Randall Robinson, which was published in 2000.

The companies named in the actions were mainly involved in finance, transport and to 
bacco. They are: Lloyd's of London; investment banks JP Morgan Chase & Co, Lehman 
Brothers Holdings Inc, and Brown Brothers Harriman; insurers American International 
Group Inc; tobacco and insurance conglomerate Loews Corp; rail companies Union Pacific 
Corp. and Norfolk Southern Corp; textile firm WestPoint Stevens Inc; and tobacco 
makers RJ Reynolds Tobacco Holdings Inc, Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp, and 
Liggett Group Inc, now indirectly owned by Vector Group Ltd.

An estimated 10 million to 25 million Africans died in the transportation of slaves in 
what Randall Robinson describes as "an American holocaust."

Slavery was abolished in 1865 but despite promises to compensate slaves and their 
descendants, no financial recompense was made.

The actions claim that the corporations are guilty of unjust enrichment from the 
"immoral and inhumane institution of slavery." Access to the financial records of the 
firms is sought in the action.

Edlee Bankhead, aged 119, the oldest man in the US and the son of a slave, filed a 
suit in New York. The California action was filed by Chester and Timothy Hurdle, whose 
father was a slave.

"Back then, black folks were treated as if they were no more than animals, they were 
just bought and sold," Mr Bankhead said in a statement.

Deadria Farmer-Paellmann, who has led the campaign for corporate reparations, told 
Reuters: "We are asking for a humanitarian trust fund, to be used to deal with the 
vestiges of slavery that 35 million African Americans still suffer from, like housing, 
education, and economic development in our communities."

No figure is named for what is sought in compensation.

Similar suits will be filed by other slave descendants in Illinois and Texas.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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