-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited Observer site and thought you should 
see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited Observer site, go 
to http://www.observer.co.uk

Fleet Street goes topsy-turvy after dossier skirmish
Can war be avoided? Talk about it here

Iraq: Observer special
Peter Preston
Saturday September 28 2002
The Guardian

They may not frighten Saddam Hussein, but (by golly) the Fleet Street Irregulars could 
frighten Tony Blair if he tries to lead them into a fresh Desert Storm. Seldom in 
newspaper history have so many bold opinion-formers been scattered so shambolically 
all over the shop.

Who would you expect to rally most faithfully behind a Labour Prime Minister waving 
his dossier at an evil tyrant? Yes: through thick, thin and countless peerages, the 
Mirror has been there. No longer - or 'No, No, No' longer in lead headline terms. 'We 
said we wanted killer facts. Instead, these are marshmallow ones.'

How about  the Independent ? It is not impressed either and its political editor, 
Donald Macintyre, sees doom on the horizon. If the US doesn't give Saddam one last 
chance, the PM will face a 'terrible dilemma. And if he resolves it by promising to 
back the US in just the kind of unilateralist war he never himself wanted, then 
Tuesday night's rebellion could start to look like a walk in the park.'

Maybe the good old Guardian will be helpful?

Only a bit. It liked Blair's day in the Commons rather better than expected. 'More 
measured... little of the simplistic second-hand rhetoric which pretends to be on 
George Bush's linguistic wavelength... an acknowledgment of the intellectual and 
political need for a more grown-up case.'

But whose grown-up case is that? Yes, the Guardian 's: and not all listeners seem to 
have heard the same debate or read the same dossier. Polly Toynbee tuned in and found 
only 'a blazing moral light' portending 'uncharacteristic recklessness from Blair'. 
And nobody, of course, would call the FT reckless, characteristically or 
uncharacteristically. It perused the dossier and found no 'compelling evidence' for 
doing much.

So the Prime Minister needed new allies. Whoopee! Here comes the cavalry. 'He didn't 
just crush his critics - he left them high and dry, stranded by the sheer stupidity of 
their pleas for appeasement' according to Trevor Kavanagh in the Sun. (Lead headline: 
' He's Got 'Em... Let's Get Him' ).

Charles Powell, Lady T's old foreign affairs guru, praised Blair's 'steadfastness and 
courage' in the  Telegraph. Janet Daley, a carpet bomber of a rhetorician, pronounced 
the 'moral case against war at best naive and at worst idiotic' just across the page 
from him. The Times found the dossier 'credible', the PM 'cool and cogent' and 'most 
impressive in his passionate endorsement' of sticking close to Bush.

Should Blair feel suitably comforted? Hardly. Everywhere, despite all the praise for 
his Commons performance, there were contradictions and ambivalencies. Some were 
obvious. The papers who had slated him hardest on Monday morning after the countryside 
demo were now digging in beside him in the same foxhole. The papers he will need for 
any euro referendum were chucking brickbats and marshmallows his way.

And within the same sheets there were notably wobbly lines. The new editor of the 
Times might be on board, but one old editor (Simon Jenkins) found 'Britain wandering 
in a daze... This dossier is not serious'. And the Telegraph's leader writer, 
notwithstanding the Blair backers all around him, seemed to harp on unconscionably 
about the UN and countering a backbench unease. 'The war on terror has obviously taken 
second place to a campaign with less obvious incitement for backbench rebellion'.

But maybe the most curious case of the lot - the one most tempted to lie down in a 
darkened room - was the Mail. You'd think that General Grumpy would be hell bent on 
zapping Saddam, especially after reading 'these chilling facts which can simply not be 
ignored'. But, no; there was nothing new here, nothing to explain why toppling the 
beast of Baghdad was necessary, not even 'a shred of evidence' to show any intention 
of strikes against Western states, nothing to bind in 11 September or Osama. The Prime 
Minister 'had a very good day', the Mail said, teeth gritted, but you'd barely have 
guessed it from coverage which promoted Prince Charles' grumpy letters to top of the 

There is, in short, nothing predictable here, only milling confusion.

The dossier and allied stuff didn't come cost free. It posited costs very close to 
home. We shall have much more agonising (and back-stabbing) to endure before this is 

Meanwhile, maybe, there are other scenarios to ponder? What if Blair launched a joint 
euro and splatter Saddam referendum? What if Baghdad launched one of its ancient Scuds 
at the Quorn Hunt?

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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