-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

Note from Euphorian:

Resolved ...

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

UN demands Israeli retreat
· New resolution passed
  · US abstains from vote
  · Nine die in Gaza City fighting
Simon Jeffery and agencies
Tuesday September 24 2002
The Guardian

The UN security council today passed a resolution demanding Israel withdraw from 
Palestinian towns and end the destruction of Palestinian property.

But the near unanimous vote in New York, from which only the US abstained, appeared to 
have had little immediate impact in the Middle East as nine Palestinians today died in 
fighting in Gaza City.

The incursion - the deepest yet into the 600,000-strong city in two years of fighting 
- began at around midnight, with about 60 armoured vehicles converging on two areas.

Soldiers destroyed 13 rocket workshops and blew up the family house of a Hamas 
militiaman who killed five Israeli teenagers in shooting rampage in a Jewish 
settlement in Gaza earlier this year, the Israeli army said.

Three of those killed were militants and six were civilians killed by stray rounds, 
according to doctors and relatives. It was the highest one-day death toll in the Gaza 
Strip since July when 15 people - all but one civilians - died in an Israeli airstrike 
aimed at Salah Shehadeh, the leader of the Hamas military wing.

Israel has been sending tanks and troops into Gaza several times a week, targeting 
suspected weapons workshops and blowing up houses of suspected militants, but this was 
the first time such an incursion set off large-scale clashes.

Arafat under siege

Without specifically referring to Israel's siege of Yasser Arafat's compound, the UN 
resolution also called for an end to Israeli operations in and around Ramallah that 
have left the Palestinian leader confined to a few rooms and prompted growing 
international criticism.

At the compound both sides were settling in for a long siege. Mr Arafat has rejected 
Israel's demand that he provide a list of names of all those in the building with him, 
50 of whom Israel claims are on its wanted list.

Early today hundreds of Palestinians banging on pots and pans emerged from their homes 
in the West Bank town, defying a military curfew as they marched to downtown Manara 
Square to shouts of "Show support for President Arafat" over loudspeakers.

Israeli troops fired tear gas, rubber-coated steel pellets and live rounds to disperse 
the crowd. There were no reports of injuries.

The resolution demanded that Israel withdraw from Palestinian cities "toward the 
return to positions held prior to September 2000" when the fighting began. The council 
also condemned attacks on Israelis.

The Palestinians, who had failed several times in the past to secure such a 
resolution, said it was a step in the right direction. "What is required now is the 
implementation of this decision," said Nabil Abu Rdeneh, an adviser to Mr Arafat.

The Israeli ambassador to the UN, Yehuda Lancry, said he was disappointed the US did 
not veto the resolution. The US representative to the United Nations had explained the 
abstention by saying the resolution was not explicit enough in its condemnation of 
Palestinian attacks on Israelis.

Israeli commentators said this morning's operation in Gaza was a warm-up for a larger 
offensive that would target Hamas leaders.

The Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon, warned yesterday that he would soon strike 
against the group.

"We of course haven't completed our work in the Gaza Strip," he said.

"The day will come, as soon as we can get the necessary troops together, that we will 
of course have to do this to strike at Hamas and prevent its ability to act."

Hamas has claimed responsibility for dozens of suicide attacks in Israel, including a 
Tel Aviv bus bombing last week that killed six people

An Israeli official said the military is considering expelling the Hamas spiritual 
leader, Sheik Ahmed Yassin, and a senior official in the group, Abdel Aziz Rantisi, 
but that no final decision has been made.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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