Thanks for your suggestion

Anthony Thyssen wrote:

> I normally avoid the whole problem and just use the
> package xorg-x11-xinit-session to let me launch a ".xsession" script.
> That sets up my environment and then called ".xinitrc".

I've installed the package and will now find out how to use it!

It sounds as if your requirements are far more complex than mine.

Incidentally, I have just found a workaround for the problem that made
me switch to booting at level 5 (with graphical login) instead of level 3,
using text login.

The problem was that if I had firefox running with several windows and tabs
I wanted it to remember them and restore them after re-starting the
machine, or logging out and logging in.

When I merely ran xinit/xstart controlled by .xinitrc I found that after
logging out then logging in firefox would not restore its state.

It turns out that if I manually kill firefox then later restart it, it does
restore its state. So I've now altered my .xinitrc so that just before it
exits it kills firefox ('killall firefox'). Presumably simply exiting X
does something like 'kill -9' which doesn't give it a chance to save a
record of open windows and tabs.

I suspect I lack some crucial information about making gnome-control-panel
work properly.

At some stage when I have more time I'll do some research on recommended
contents for .xinitrc.



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