On Mon 26 Sep 2016 at 12:32:04 +0200, Alexander Klein wrote:
> The real trouble starts with JabRef 3.4, which requires OpenJDK 8 and won't
> do a thing most of the time when trying to type in the web search dialogue.

What if you run the older jabref with the newer jdk? Maybe that
experiment can establish in which of the two the problem is. The jabref
command is just a shell script containing

#! /bin/sh
exec /usr/pkg/bin/openjdk8-java -jar /usr/pkg/lib/java/JabRef-2.10.jar "$@"

so you can simply use that, adapting the paths you need and the version
combinations you want to try.

Where did you get JabRef 3.4 from? My version comes from
http://sourceforge.net/projects/jabref/files/jabref/2.10 .
I found 3.6 at https://sourceforge.net/projects/jabref/files/v3.6 .

I tried $ /usr/pkg/bin/openjdk8-java -jar ./JabRef-3.6.jar 

and I got

13:06:39.048 [AWT-EventQueue-0] WARN  net.sf.jabref.JabRefGUI - There
seem to be problems with OpenJDK and the default GTK Look&Feel. Using
Metal L&F instead. Change to another L&F with caution.

I don't know what problems it's referring to, but it looked like the
Swing I'm used to, and web search seemed to work.

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert  -- Wayland: Those who don't understand X
\X/ rhialto/at/xs4all.nl    -- are condemned to reinvent it. Poorly.

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