On Tue 02 Mar 2021 at 10:16:42 +0000, nia wrote:
> For example, with SloppyFocus enabled programs like xev can never obtain
> keyboard focus and focus is not lost when moving the cursor outside of
> a window.

It is my understanding that SloppyFocus is supposed to be very similar
to FocusFollowsMouse, except that the focus is not moved to the root
window (and instead it stays on the previous window).

The things you mention that differ from that sound like bugs somewhere.
Note that there are programs that for whatever reason indicate they
dont want to receive focus, and I think that ctwm then faithfully
complies (even though most programs should never say such a thing).

I don't use SloppyFocus (just FocusFollowsMouse), and I noticed that for
instance xconsole does't seem to want input focus.  And as a result,
keyboard shortcuts for window depth arrangement don't work on it.
(Maybe that could be fixed somehow too)

But it is weird that the SloppyFocus behaviour would have changed over
versions, because I'm not aware of any intentional changes here. Maybe
some programs somehow react differently if the "modern" Extended Window
Manager Hints are supported. Although for xev, I cannot imagine such a

> Anyone know anything about this? It should probably be documented.

At the very least, the manual currently doesn't say anthing useful about

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