From:   Norman Bassett, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was delighted to read IG's reply to my posting. I
had feared my informant was so accurate that NOBODY
disputed the assertion in any way at all.

I would not like to comment on the assertion that a
lot of shooters have illegal firearms, nor the
assertion that the UK police are the occupational
group most likely to possess illegal firearms for the
purpose of protecting themselves against the personal
malice of the criminals they are paid to pursue.

The matter of fraudulent police clear-up rates for
crimes like burglary has been extensively covered in
the national press and I don't see how IG can deny
that every member of the police is aware of what's
going on and presumably can live with it or we'd have
police demonstrations in Wembley Stadium protesting
about it.

Shooters are commonly ex-servicemen and have in fact
serially killed people in the course of their duties.

The expression "all X should be shot" is an extremely
common expression of a political viewpoint which most
of the people expressing it mean quite literally.
People are entitled to express their political

The situation of UK police corruption deriving from
the expanding drugs market in the UK and mirroring
what has happened in the US is something I would have
thought was fully accepted.

As for insanity, I personally consider it insane that
policemen are being put on the street without sidearms
to protect themselves with and that they are not
expected, as they are elsewhere, to go armed at all
times in uniform or not. I consider it insane that our
government deny law-abiding people the right to carry
sidearms for their personal protection. I consider it
insane that our elected government deny the people the
possibility of executing criminals on the thin ground
that the police have in the past accused innocent
people and got them hanged.

I consider it absolutely beyond question that the
government and their agents the police have a vested
interest in preserving a certain level of crime in our
society, against the interests of the majority of the
citizenry, and that they deny honest people guns for
self-defence in pursuit of their anti-social "hidden

Norman Bassett

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