On 2019/03/21 19:36, Nasir El-Amin wrote:
> I haven’t once mentioned Jews. I’ve mentioned Israelis which are
> citizens of Israel. There are Jews worldwide especially of the Orthodox
> that 100% condemn the existence of Israel. This isn’t a Jew vs Muslim
> issue. This is a Israel vs Muslims issue and the fact that Israel exists
> through the theft of land, genocide, oppression and even blockading of
> the most basic of humanitarian supplies. Palestinians die everyday at
> the hand of Israel. You can’t tip toe around this issue and say there
> are Israelis that don’t support what’s happening that’s not true. Every
> Israeli supports the theft of land because they are by their presence on
> the stolen land complicit in the theft. Every Israeli is complicit in
> the genocide to because it’s not some fringe politics but it is the
> national political discourse of Israel to treat Palestinians the way
> they are treated.

Fair enough re: you not mentioning Jews, it's still unfair to clump all
Israeli people together as the same and assume they are all in support
of what their government is doing.

> You can defend Israel or you can be in the right side of history and
> stand with the Palestinians, United Nations, Human Rights Watch, BDS and
> countless organizations and human rights officials worldwide who condemn
> what’s happened and continues to happen in Israel.
> Israel doesn’t have any right to exist it’s a apartheid and stolen land.
> Perhaps Jonathan the reason you defend Israel is because you live in a
> former apartheid state that stole land from Black South Africans and
> treated Black South Africans similar although much nicer than Israelis
> treat Palestinians. You benefited from apartheid in your own country as
> a White South African who for decades benefited as Black South Africans
> suffered oppression.

You must have misread or misunderstood something, since I haven't said
anything in defense of Israel whatsoever.


  ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀  Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) <jcc>
  ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  Debian Developer - https://wiki.debian.org/highvoltage
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