On 23/01/18 15:17, Chris Boot wrote:
> On 22/01/18 17:23, Bastian Blank wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 05:28:43PM +0100, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
>>> Chris Boot <bo...@debian.org> (2018-01-22):
>>>> What should it be called?
>>> Good question. d-i looks good to me, and would match the current group
>>> on alioth. debian-boot is historical and I think we should keep only
>>> the list named this way (along with IRC).
>> Or just use "installer-team".
> I don't mind d-i-team or installer-team or even debian-installer-team,
> but the self-service interface always adds "-team" to the end. Not
> having -team on the end presumably means asking the admin folks to do it
> manually for us, so it's probably best avoided unless we really want to.

I went for "installer-team" in the end. If people feel strongly about
it, I'm sure we can get it renamed before we start using it properly.

>>>> Should its membership just be copied from the Alioth team?
>>> If possible, that would look good to me. Not sure about non-DD accounts
>>> support though (I've had too little time to keep track of salsa things,
>>> which seemed to be fast moving).
>> This just needs to be done by hand.
> Indeed, non-DD accounts need to register at
> https://signup.salsa.debian.org/ and then a DD needs to add them to the
> relevant team/project with appropriate permissions.

I have added the following people to the project as members:

{ Alioth Role / Position } => { GitLab Role }
Admin => Owner
Senior Developer => Master
Developer => Developer

I haven't added "Junior Developers" yet because I'm not convinced that
GitLab has an equivalent. The next level down from Developer is
Reporter. Shall I just add Junior Developers as Developers?

I also haven't added Translators. Should they also be Developers?
Alternatively, we can create a sub-team for translators if finer-grained
access to repos is required.


- I (bootc) am listed as an Owner because I created the team. I can't
  demote myself. I'm happy to be demoted, but it might be best to do
  that after I've migrated the remaining users.

- I haven't made any attempt to add -guest users, even those who might
  now be Debian Developers but who stuck with their -guest accounts on

- I haven't been able to add the various DD (emeritus) people who are
  still on the Alioth project, for hopefully obvious reasons.

Please let me know your thoughts about the above, I'm more than happy to
continue the manual work of importing people into the project.


Chris Boot

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