On Sat, Jan 27, 2018 at 11:46:30AM +0000, Chris Boot wrote:
> I have added the following people to the project as members:
> { Alioth Role / Position } => { GitLab Role }
> Admin => Owner
> Senior Developer => Master
> Developer => Developer
> I haven't added "Junior Developers" yet because I'm not convinced that
> GitLab has an equivalent. The next level down from Developer is
> Reporter. Shall I just add Junior Developers as Developers?

It always depends on what you think this people should be allowed to do.
On Alioth all where member of the d-i group and could do anything with
the git repositories.  On Salsa there are actually different permissions
to the repos attached.

> I also haven't added Translators. Should they also be Developers?
> Alternatively, we can create a sub-team for translators if finer-grained
> access to repos is required.

It may make sense to have sub-groups for such special topics.

> - I haven't made any attempt to add -guest users, even those who might
>   now be Debian Developers but who stuck with their -guest accounts on
>   Alioth.

We can now give out access to single repos.

> - I haven't been able to add the various DD (emeritus) people who are
>   still on the Alioth project, for hopefully obvious reasons.

This is by choice.  Disabled DD accounts are also blocked from Salsa.


Beam me up, Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here!

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