+++ Ben Longbons [2014-11-19 22:18 -0800]:

> If the cross tools miss jessie and go in jessie-backports, that will
> require a significant amount of knowledge and discipline on the part
> of all the package maintainers involved, to make sure that they always
> have matching versions despite being in different repos or they will
> not be useful for package developers. If they are treated as one
> package and go in one repo, everybody is happy.

The cross-tools (apart from binutils) have missed Jessie. The release
team are not going to change their minds about that. The issue of this
bug was not the only problem there: missing work on britney and
wanna-build means they wouldn't have migrated in time independently of
this issue and I was not able to persuade the release team to make a
special exception on 'release goal' grounds.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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