On Sun, 12 Nov 2017 at 14:18:45 -0500, Theodore Ts'o wrote:
> P.S.  In case it isn't obvious, the reason why it's interesting to
> shrink the size of minbase is that it makes Debian much lighter-weight
> for Docker

The same is true for Flatpak runtimes, which are purely for user-level
apps and so in principle shouldn't need anything from /{usr/,}sbin or
man page section 8 at all. (Although in practice they do need at least
ldconfig, so scripts to make a Flatpak runtime can't just delete /sbin.)

At the moment my approach to creating Flatpak runtimes involves a lot of
"dpkg --force-remove-essential --force-depends" (most notably to remove
dpkg and apt, which don't make sense in a read-only runtime that can
be replaced with a newer version from the outside but cannot be updated
from the inside) but not much manual deletion.


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