On 5/16/22 04:01, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
Hi Dennis!

On 5/16/22 03:58, Dennis Clarke wrote:
The last update released for 11.3 is called

     "Oracle Solaris 11.3 Limited Support Updates (LSRU)"

and can be found on some torrent sites.

I have 11.3 but need an Oracle contract to get much of anything done.

No, you don't. You download the update - which is 20 GB in size

Really? An update from somewhere eh ?

Paying Oracle customers don't get anything more recent either unless you have an
extra LTSS support contract which costs a lot of money.

Yeah .. I had that. Nope. Not any longer.

I have used the 11.3 LRU update on my SPARC T5240 without any issues.

Well, as I said, I have 11.3 on the M3000 brick now.

For Solaris 11.4, you can just install the CBE version which has full access
to update repositories for free.

Does not work on anything previous to a T4.  At all.  Period. Will not
install and detects unsupported hardware. The Lawnmower strikes again.

I didn't claim otherwise. I just said that Oracle is kind enough ....

Oh please .. words never spoken nor written before just appeared.


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