At 09:25 PM 7/31/99 , you wrote:
>*- On 31 Jul, Ed Cogburn wrote about "Re: Initial thoughts about Debian 2.1 
>(and I need some help!)"
>>      I suggested using 'mingetty' as it by default will clear the
>> screen at logout.  Its also smaller than the default getty (I'm
>> pretty sure).
># ls -l /sbin/getty /sbin/mingetty
>  14 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root        13228 Jun 24 20:27 /sbin/getty*
>   9 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root         8232 Nov 22  1997 /sbin/mingetty*
>You could also add a vt escape code to the top of the /etc/issue if
>mingetty is not an option.  
>clear > /tmp/clear.txt       # clear is in ncurses-bin
>cat /tmp/clear.txt /etc/issue > /etc/issue.clear
>mv /etc/issue /etc/issue.noclear
>mv /etc/issue.clear /etc/issue

Ok. Just curious, but what's the proper/canonical way to do this ? I am
using tcsh, so what file(s) would I have to modify ?

Why is this not the default behaviour ?

In some multi-user environments this type of behaviour (ie the screen not
getting cleared after a user has logged out) could almost be considered
a security risk seeing as how another user could see what the last user
had been doing. Granted this is not that big of a deal but I am surprised to
see this as default behaviour in Debian when other distros like RH already
do this by default. I am just curious, not wanting to start a flame war!!

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