On Sat, Jul 31, 1999 at 07:41:19PM -0400, Salman Ahmed wrote:

> However, I still have quite a few questions that I am hoping to
> get answered :
> (1) For console logins, how can I get the console screen to
> be cleared after a user logs out ? RedHat 5.2 seems to do it by
> default (ie without playing with any config files).

that is done by create a file in the homedir called


if you put in there the line:

the screen will be cleared by logout...
an advise: put that file in /etc/skel to if you want the feature
enabled for future user-accounts you make.

> (2) If I download a bunch of .deb files myself to a dir on my HD,
> how can I install them using a combination of dselect/apt ?

dpkg -i <debfile>

will do also (that's what apt and dselect do...)

> (5) Initially, I tried to get the .debs for XFree86- from the
> following site : ftp.netgod.net. Upon instructions from another Debian
> user, who has been kind enough to offer email support during my
> installation nightmare (Hi Kris!),
> I added the following line to the end of /etc/apt/sources.list :
> deb http://ftp.netgod.net/debian x/

try: deb ftp://ftp.netgod.net x/
but that has been said many times now...

> Is there anyway to backup these .debs which were downloaded to
> my HD so that if I reinstall Debian 2.1, I don't have to download all
> these .debs all over again (which BTW took over 2 1/2 hours over my
> 56k modem connection) ? I have a couple of old 540Mb HDs which I
> use for backing up downloaded files prior to OS reinstallations.

after using apt, if it has downloaded packages, it asks you if
you want to remove the downloaded .deb files, answer no.
Then you can find them in /var/cache/apt/archives

> (7) How can I get my SoundBlaster PCI128 sound card configured ?
> Do I have to recompile the kernel for that ? Also, how do I setup/install
> the ALSA drivers for this card (I had to use ALSA to get this sound card
> to work with RedHat 5.2).

No id, I want to know that too.

> (8) During installation, I noticed a whole number of Linux Gazette
> issues were being installed along with other docs. How do I read these
> docs ? I thought they would have shown up on the menu system!
> (9) I'd like to to upgrade to WindowMaker-0.60. What is the best/
> recommended way of doing that ?

One way is to upgrade to potato ( but only if you feel ready for,
it is quite stable now, I must say.)

> (10) It seems that I am booting up in 8bit color mode because the icons
> in WindowMaker look quite bad. How do I change this so that I start
> up in 16bit or 32bit mode ?

startx -- -bpp 16

you can make an alias for that in your .bash_profile or /etc/profile (system

Good Luck


Student @                              |  Using the Power of Linux...
Eindhoven University of                |  ICQ: 8678828          
Technology, The Netherlands            |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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