On Mon, 31 Dec 2007 08:13:31 -0500,   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

> Not all the docs are under /usr/share/doc/[package name], some are
> under usr/share/[package name] with no apparent rhyme nor
> reason. Then, everything is gzipped, should the user extract these to
> their home folder or is there a particular method to read these as
> they stand?

        The files under /usr/share/[package name] are meant to be used
 by the package at run time, and perhaps are part of an online help
 facility. I understand packages which have a built in help often do not
 give out other documentation.  But if that is not the case, and the
 primary documentation lives compressed in /usr/shar/package-name; then
 you have found a bug, please report it.

> Also getting the package managers to work with other mirrors or the
> non free or contrib, how is it done without searching for hours
> through documentation in an often cyclic manner.

        I think this is covered in the release notes.

> Then there's the installation manual that gives a brief overview of
> the installation but few links to go to for additional resources, help
> etc other than the list.  What about using the Rescue modes of the
> install CD, other than a few short paragraphs there's not much help
> there. I've discovered a few it's inherent limitations while fixing
> the messed up grub hd assignments, ended up using a knoppix DVD to do
> all the fixing and reinstalling of GRUB, after searching for a few
> hours for solutions. The grub shell won't run from the rescue mode so
> many of the helpful items are unavailable.

> As was stated many other disto's have these n00b pages for a quick
> reference to get us up to speed so that we can start figuring out how
> to do things on our own. Many n00bs are reticient to post to lists or
> forums as they often receive negative feed back from some of the more
> seasoned users who feel like they are answering the same questions
> time and again.

> I've yet to find anything on somehow efficiently searching archives
> for fixes to problems that may have already been solved.  Sometimes
> it's just a matter of using the proper key words.

> Anyways, my diatribe has gone on long enough, sorry. I'm just trying
> to elaborate on the need here, not asking for assistance ... yet. :)

        Perhaps you can provide the kind of documentation that you think
 is needed?  I mean, this is the Debian way, a whole bunch of people
 volunteering our time to scratch our particular itches.   Your diatribe
 seems to indicate this is an itch you might be best to scratch.

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