There recently have been some mails from Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. and             
Johannes Wiedersich that have not been send to me, so it seems that the
authors are not interested in a discussion. Their mail contained the usual
accusations: the claim that cdrtools is not free and that there is no new
releases in cdrtools. As these claims have lready been proven to be incorrect, 
we will not go any further in trying to discuss at this level.....

Let me go back to the original topic.

Given the fact that the initator of wodim stopped working on wodim on May 6th 
2007 and started to advertize for nerolinux instead, it is interesting to 
read the term nerolinux in the subject of this thread. Is Debian moving to 
closed software like nerolinux or what is the backgrund for not distrubuting
working CD/DVD/BD writing software with Debian? Did the initiator of wodim 
intentionally introduce bugs that make "cdrkit" unusable in order to support
closed source software? Is Debian no longer interested in free and working 

The Original poster was Paul Cartwright and I had some conversations with him 
during the past week.

First, Paul Cartwright had problems to download cdrtools and it turned out that 
a bug in the firewall implementation of his linksys router was the reason. 
After disabling the fireall for the time of the ftp transfer, he could 
download cdrtools without problems.

Yesterday, Paul Cartwright was able to write a perfectly readable DVD using 
mkisofs and cdrecord at 10x speed. He did this out of the box after he send me
the command line he was trying to use and I send him simething like please
use these commands instead:

mkisofs -o xxx.iso -dvd-video -V "video.2008" "/disk2/pauls/movies/some-name"
cdrecord -v xxx.iso

It turns out that it is not easy to make CD/DVD/BD recording working on Debian
as _all_ related software has been modified to call the defective 
"genisoimage", "wodim" and similar even after the correctly working original
software was made available. People could file dozens of bugreports just for 
these modifications.....

The software that he was originally using called growisofs and growisofs called
"genisoimage". It is unclear whether both fgrowisofs and growisofs are broken 
on Debian or whether the problem is only related to the defective genisoimage 

My questions are:

-       Are people interested in getting a working CD/DVD/BD writing toolchain
        on Debian?

-       Is there anybody inside Debian willing to support this by doing the 
        needed administrative work?

Please note that there is a Debian cdrtools package available from the "grml"
Author, so there is no need to find a Debian package maintainer for cdrtools.

Also note that last Summer, Sun lawyers did an in depth license analysis on the 
original cdrtools source and the conclusion from Sun Legal was that there is 
neither a legal problem with the original software nor with distributing 
binaries made from the original software. Is someone likes to prove that, the 
Solaris Express Community Edition build 105 will be available in a few days 
and it will include cdrtools release 2.01.01a54 which is fairly recent. The a55
release could not be included as the build 105 snapshot date was in 

Note also that before the initiator of wodim appeared at Debian, there was a 
good coperation. I am in hope that it is possible to correct mistakes from the 
past and that soon, Debian users are able again to do CD/DVD/BD writing.


-- (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin                (uni) (work) Blog:

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