Joerg Schilling escreveu:
> There recently have been some mails from Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. and           
> Johannes Wiedersich that have not been send to me, so it seems that the
> authors are not interested in a discussion.

This discussion is happening on the debian-user mailing lists, and in
most cases, people send the replies on to the list. Naturally this will
not work for your case because you are not subscribed. I'm saying that
because to me it seems like the replies were not sent by accident and
because of the habit of replying only to the list, not because 'they are
not interested in a discussion'.

>  Their mail contained the usual
> accusations: the claim that cdrtools is not free

Could you point the message where that claim was made? I've been
following the discussion, and don't remember seeing that claim ever
being made.

It has been said that cdrtools has been considered non-compliant with
the Debian Free Software Guidelines, but that is a different thing. It's
just Debian's way of deciding which software can be part of Debian and
which can't, and even if a given software is considered
non-DFSG-compliant, that is just the way Debian sees things, and does
not say anything about the software itself or its author.

> Let me go back to the original topic.
> Given the fact that the initator of wodim stopped working on wodim on May 6th 
> 2007 and started to advertize for nerolinux instead,

You've said that several times, but has never showed something to
confirm that. It's not that I doubt it could be true, I just want some

Anyway, even if the original author of wodim is not working on it
anymore, somebody else is. According to, exactly on May 6th 2007
version 1.1.6 was included in Debian. Since them, there have been three
more new versions (the current one is 1.1.9), so someone is working on
the package. This proves your claim that wodim has stopped being
developed is not valid.

>  it is interesting to 
> read the term nerolinux in the subject of this thread. Is Debian moving to 
> closed software like nerolinux or what is the backgrund for not distrubuting
> working CD/DVD/BD writing software with Debian?

No, the reason is that your software does not meet Debian's
requirements. They perhaps may be too strict, but your software will not
be included in Debian unless either its license or Debian's requirements

>  Did the initiator of wodim 
> intentionally introduce bugs that make "cdrkit" unusable in order to support
> closed source software? Is Debian no longer interested in free and working 
> software?

I'd say this is quite unlikely.

> It turns out that it is not easy to make CD/DVD/BD recording working on Debian
> as _all_ related software has been modified to call the defective 
> "genisoimage", "wodim" and similar even after the correctly working original
> software was made available. People could file dozens of bugreports just for 
> these modifications.....

You seem to be contradicting yourself here. First, you complain that
there is a symlink cdrecord -> wodim. But now you complain that software
calls 'wodim' directly, which would eliminated the need for the
compatibility symlink.

> Also note that last Summer, Sun lawyers did an in depth license analysis on 
> the 
> original cdrtools source and the conclusion from Sun Legal was that there is 
> neither a legal problem with the original software nor with distributing 
> binaries made from the original software. Is someone likes to prove that, the 
> Solaris Express Community Edition build 105 will be available in a few days 
> and it will include cdrtools release 2.01.01a54 which is fairly recent. The 
> a55
> release could not be included as the build 105 snapshot date was in 
> mid-Decedmber.

Debian is not Sun. Debian has its own requirements, which can be more
strict. And cdrecord does not meet Debian's requirements. Saying it
meets Sun's makes no difference here. Also, the fact that a given
software does not meet Debian's requirements does not imply that there
is a problem with the software - it's just an incompatibility.

PS: If anyone replies to debian-user, there is no need to CC me, I
receive mails from that list. Thanks.

Eduardo M Kalinowski

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