On Friday 2009 January 09 11:19:43 Paul Cartwright wrote:
>On Fri January 9 2009, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
>> I'm glad cdrecord/cdrtools was able to solve Paul's issue.  Paul should
>> file a bug with the details so that Debian and the cdrkit project can fix
>> the underlying issue.
>point me in the right direction.


>I used to have a working system that could burn a DVD any time I
> wanted.Under SUSE 9-10.1 I could, and under Debian Etch I could, and
> probably earlier this year under Lenny I could.

Those are all useful bits of information that should probably be in the bug 
report.  It would be nice if you had exact package versions, but if you don't 
it still helps narrow things down a bit.

Probably the most important part of reporting a bug is giving the maintainer 
enough information to reproduce the bug on his or her system.

> I have now created a large 
> pile of coasters trying to get k3B, Brasero, and makedvd to work, without
> success. Nerolinux works everytime, and I was finally able to burn a DVD
> using mkisofs to create an iso image, and cdrecord to burn it.

Again, I'm glad you were able to solve your problem.  I'm sorry you had to 
resort to using software on available in Debian.

> Luckily I am 
> command-line literate ( ok, somewhat) so I can create scripts to do all
> this for regualr use. I would MUCH rather just use K3B. My wife would never
> be able to figure this out, would complain, turn and use her Vista laptop
> and burn it.

Yes, while creating the fs and burning should be able to be done from the 
command-line, the GUI tools should work as well.  Having the use software not 
available in Debian is grounds for a bug, at least for this task.[1]
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                     ,= ,-_-. =. 
b...@iguanasuicide.net                     ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy           `-'(. .)`-' 
http://iguanasuicide.net/                      \_/     

[1] It would be different if no software that Debian can distribute purports 
to handle the task.

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