Camaleón <> writes:

> On Sun, 09 Sep 2012 18:04:00 +0200, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
>> Linux on desktop has gone a long way. And I think it is still on a
>> journey.
> (...)
> This is usually a delusion: is not that windows or linux is more or less 
> easy (now or then) but how many people in your circle can solve/cope a 
> problem with your system.

Nobody --- and that probably isn't going to change.

> Just run a simple experiment: knock at your neighbors' door and tell them 
> you have a problem with your Internet Explorer; there's a high chance 
> that someone can help.

There's no chance they could help. Neither any useful documentation, nor
the source code are available, so if it doesn't work, reboot, and if it
still doesn't work, re-install. That's all the options you have.

> Now do the same but tell them you have a problem with Konqueror. They 
> will close the door in our nose and say something like "The guy on third 
> floor is saying foolishness" :-)

They would ask what konqueror is and tell you to reboot or to
re-install. That's not a significant difference.

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