Hello, I need to renew MacAfee but I was wondering what the consensus on the Total Virus Defense Suite. Is it legal? For $98 I should would hate to give it up but the sales rep is asking a million questions and is saying I will not be in compliance. I use F-Prot for the second scanner if I can not use McAfee what is the next best choice?
Oh if I go with what McAfee said I would need a license for every connection to the system not just each MBX!!! That has to be wrong how can I tell how many servers will connect to mine. ~Paul~ --- [This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus/McAfee] --- [This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (http://www.declude.com)] --- This E-mail came from the Declude.Virus mailing list. To unsubscribe, just send an E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and type "unsubscribe Declude.Virus". The archives can be found at http://www.mail-archive.com.