
Mail servers have absolutely no requirement to inspect the contents of the data. This is Declude's job to do. Additionally, most mail clients do support both the CR flaw as well as the long base64 encoding flaw, so anything making it past Declude due to the holes created by these bugs is a critical flaw. There are so many things out there that violate the RFC's, it's almost not even worth arguing about who's responsibility it is since these things definitely exist and need to be dealt with appropriately.

The issue with the CR's and Declude is not technically a "vulnerability" for any application out there besides Declude itself. Vulnerabilities in Declude have historically been formatting supported by mail clients which could be used to sneak past encoded attachments or scripting which could cause auto-execution or bypassing of virus scanners. The vulnerability only exists because Declude's SUBJECT action and header appending does not work appropriately, and some people chose to filter on such things instead of relying on other actions.

I do in fact receive legitimate E-mail that have only CR's. Any PHP programmer out there can make this mistake just like multiple vendors are violating RFC's by including a space in the SMTP commands where they don't belong, or adding headers that don't properly bracket IP's, etc. If this is introduced as a vulnerability, I want to turn it off. The reason is because I don't want to scan a directory full of Q and D files searching for false positives, and I know that they will exist. Others may be less anal about this, or have different traffic patterns that isolates them from such issues, or might simply not care. Ultimately however, if you just simply placed the Declude inserted headers in the best possible place (before the first <CR><CR>) then this wouldn't be an issue.

I find it hard to believe that no one there can figure out how to do that.

Regardless of who is right or wrong, right now every Declude user is vulnerable to viruses that may exploit the holes created by the base64 encoding error and the invalid character in the Mail From error. There is a virus that has been spreading for over a year that bypasses Declude's Virus' calling of virus scanners due to the long encoding lines, and the only reason why this hasn't become an issue is because he only sends EXE's which most of us block by default and only causes backscatter. If someone were to write a virus that was in a zip or a DOC though, which most of us don't block, it would bypass our virus scanners 100% of the time. If they wanted to exploit some scripting holes in mail clients, all they would have to do is send with a non ASCII character in the Mail From and they're good to go right past Declude. This is why these things are critical in nature.

I don't want to continually bring this stuff up, I just want you guys to get it. Pretend for a second that I am right, and then look back at what you are doing. Please.


David Barker wrote:


The CRLF problem has more to do with the email server and not Declude,
emails that are so badly broken should be either rejected by the email
server or these headers should be standardized by the email server.
Eitherway this is a much more complex issue than you make it out to be, by
just fixing it with a simple regexp, if it was as easy as that, do you not
think we would have done this already ?

"Introducing tests to score conditions that one's software does not handle
correctly is not a fix, it's a work-around." This is not how we are dealing
with this issue, it is not an additional Spam test as I clearly stated we
are dealing with this as a vulnerability because this should be addressed at
the email server level and not Declude, therefore the message will be
quarentined - as every instance we have seen of this has been invalid email.

The Long base 64 encoding is a similar issue whereby the mail server should
deal with these before they get to Declude as such emails are clearly in
violation of the RFC's and should be treated as suspect from the very

To conclude, we are making every effort to address these issues because it
is not being done at the server level, have you contacted Imail and asked
for their response and/or fix ?

David B

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matt
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 2:48 PM
To: declude.virus@declude.com
Subject: Re: [Declude.Virus] New Virus: zipped word doc with Macro-Virus


The CRLF thing doesn't affect me since I have my own solution, however for
those that use Subject tagging, adding another test won't help unless they
decide to just simply delete such messages.  The header boundary could be
programatically determined with a great deal of ease (a simple regexp), and
Declude could insert it's headers into the correct place if this was done.
Introducing tests to score conditions that one's software does not handle
correctly is not a fix, it's a work-around.

Regarding the other things, I'm very alarmed that the official position is
still not even recognizing that these bugs surely exist, much less fixed at
this point.  This concerns me greatly since I rely on this product for my
business, and if it takes months to just confirm a bug, especially one that
is widely reported, I can't responsibly rely on that product.  It is pretty
much the same thing as having a virus scanner that takes months to catch a
particular virus, or having a Web browser that is never patch for a critical
flaw.  I consider both the Mail From issue and the base 64 encoding issues
to be critical flaws that warrant immediate fixes.  I am not alone in this.
If you don't have a lot of people still griping about this stuff, it is
because they are either not aware of the flaws, or they have already given
up on trying to get you guys to fix them, or given up on relying on Declude
altogether.  These things should be fixed in hours or days and not weeks or
months when they occur.

I assume that you are not the person making these development decisions, so
this isn't directed at you, but those that make the calls need to fully
understand the critical nature of these flaws, and their role in making sure
that Declude can respond rapidly to such things not just now, but as they
occur in the future.



David Barker wrote:
        Headers not using proper CRLF line breaks is currently being tested
        the new vulnerability NONSTANDARDCRLF test.
        As for these items they are on the list for engineers to confirm and
        and fix if they are bugs.
        1. Invalid characters in the Mail FROM
        2. Long base 64 encoding causing Declude EVA to fail decoding
        3. WHITELIST IP being applied before IPBYPASS
        David B
        -----Original Message-----
        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
        Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 1:49 PM
        To: declude.virus@declude.com
        Subject: Re: [Declude.Virus] New Virus: zipped word doc with
        I'm just wondering about the issue with the invalid characters in
the Mail
        From's that caused massive spam leakage almost a month ago.  Is this
        supposed to be fixed?
        I'm also very, very curious about the other bugs such as long base
        encoding causing Declude Virus to fail decoding, WHITELIST IP being
        before IPBYPASS, and the issue where Declude's headers are inserted
at the
        bottom of the message when the headers don't use proper CRLF line
        David Barker wrote:
                I have added the request to the wish list. We are focusing
on replicating problems and fixing items from the list I had posted earlier last week. We are looking to do a release Thursday 8 July it is currently under going testing. This is all obviously subject to change just trying to keep you informed.
                Items in next release:
                1. Fix - ALLOWVULNERABILITIESFROM - full email address only
                2. Fix - QUEUEFILE_SAVEFILE log shows incorrect directory
                3. Add - Error in SM envelope file: if errors are found the
mail will be moved to the error directory
                4. Add - If the headers files are not found then the data
file is moved to error directory.
                5. Add - A new vulnerability test NONSTANDARDCRLF will be
included to check for the end of the headers.
                David B
                From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Matt
                Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 7:04 PM
                To: declude.virus@declude.com
                Subject: Re: [Declude.Virus] New Virus: zipped word doc with

                Not to say that this wouldn't be something that is nice to
have, I can think of dozens of things that are very largely useful on a much more regular basis. In fact, the current functionality provides an appropriate mechanism for blocking these as-is.
                I would just simply like to see Declude catch up by fixing
the known bugs first. When they catch up, then certainly they should consider feature requests, but it would make sense focus on new tests and improving existing ones, along with refining functionality. I will personally continue to hold back from such discussions until it is clear that they are capable of handling the bugs.
                Sorry to make an example of you here; that's not the
intention of course. I just thought that it would be constructive to point this stuff out for the benefit of Declude and it's customers
John T (Lists) wrote:
                        I know. :(
                        Declude, this is a feature who's time has come.
                        John T
                        eServices For You
                        "Seek, and ye shall find!"
                                -----Original Message-----
                                From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of
                                Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 3:10 PM
                                To: declude.virus@declude.com
                                Subject: RE: [Declude.Virus] New Virus:
zipped word doc with
                                As I know yes but
                                BANNAME my_notebook.doc
                                wouldn't work for files within zip-archives.
                                        -----Original Message-----
                                        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
                                        Behalf Of John T (Lists)
                                        Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 11:48
                                        To: declude.virus@declude.com
                                        Subject: RE: [Declude.Virus] New
Virus: zipped word
        doc with
                                        Is the word document only named
                                        John T
                                        eServices For You
                                        "Seek, and ye shall find!"
                                                -----Original Message-----
                                                From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
                                                Markus Gufler
                                                Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006
11:32 AM
                                                Subject: [Declude.Virus] New
Virus: zipped
word doc with
                                                Some of us has noted in the
past two hours
        that messages with an
                                                attachment has passed our
virus filters
                                                It's a zip-file containing a
MS Word
        Document named
                                                Most Virus-Scanners can't
catch it.
                Virustotal has returned
                                        only two
                                                scanners with positive
                                                Sophos has found
                                                UNA has found a "Macro
                                                No other AV-Engine has
catched the
                suspicious file.
                                                We've added the following
lines to our
        virus.cfg in order
                                        to block as
                                                much was we can at the
                                                BANNAME prices.zip
                                                BANNAME apple_prices.zip
                                                BANNAME sony_prices.zip
                                                BANNAME hp_prices.zip
                                                BANNAME dell_prices.zip
                                                BANNAME My_Notebook.doc
                                                This E-mail came from the
        mailing list.  To
                                                just send an E-mail to
                                                type "unsubscribe
Declude.Virus".    The
                archives can be found
                                        This E-mail came from the
Declude.Virus mailing
        list.  To
                                        unsubscribe, just send an E-mail to
                [EMAIL PROTECTED], and
                                        type "unsubscribe Declude.Virus".
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                can be found
                                        at http://www.mail-archive.com.
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