On 12/30/2015 12:47 PM, Michael Siepmann wrote:
> Good to meet several of you via Jitsi Meet on Monday.  Here is an
> initial draft idea for a way to get feedback on introductory messaging
> from people who visit the Snowdrift.coop booth at SCALE. The idea would
> be to invite and encourage people to participate as a way to provide
> helpful feedback while also having whatever conversation and Q&A
> interests them, but of course to also be totally open to just having an
> informal conversation with anyone who prefers that.  For people who do
> participate, it would be ideal to annotate their marked up screenshots
> during the followup conversation to ensure that their feedback is fully
> recorded, e.g. what does each checkmark, X, or ? actually mean.
> Please let me know your thoughts on this draft idea - especially those
> of you who will be hosting the booth.
> ===
> Have a tent-style sign on the table:
> “Got a couple of minutes?  Help Improve Our Intro Messaging While
> Learning About Snowdrift.coop.”
> Clipboards with pens attached and two double-sided pages stapled
> together to capture feedback:
> 1. Instruction page:
> - Please look over the following screenshots of drafts of our home page
> and “How it works” page.
> - Put a checkmark by anything that stands out to you as good / appealing
> / clear / effective.
> - Put an X by anything that seems problematic to you, e.g. confusing,
> offputting, triggers skepticism.
> - Put a ? by anything you have questions about.
> 2. Screenshot of home page.
> 3. Screenshot of “How it works” page.
> 4. Wrapup page:
> - Regarding Snowdrift.coop, based on the two web page screenshots I've
> looked at, I feel...
>         Clear - - - - - - - Confused
>         Bored - - - - - - - Excited
>     Convinced - - - - - - - Skeptical
> - What one change would make Snowdrift.coop more appealing and/or
> effective for you?
>    [space to write ]
> - Thank you!  Now please discuss your feedback and questions with one of
> us hosting the booth.
> - Name & contact info (optional): ____________________

I like the direction. I think the particular scope we might want to
cover might be different. Although homepage is essential, I'm less
concerned about that. I'm more concerned about the how-it-works and the
actual pledge prototype.

Ideally, we could have the screenshots/mockups be the how-it-works stuff
(perhaps the first three things, as co-op is less essential), maybe on a
live computer as an option; and the screenshot or mockup of the pledge

In your particular "clear… bored etc" rating, the positive/negative
valence should be consistent (positive all on the right seems more
familiar to me, i.e. higher score but order the scores from low to high,
left to right)

I'd like to consider some pointed questions, maybe not written down n a
longer and longer survey but prepared for us to speak to people about.
Things like, "do you understand the scope of projects we plan to cover?"
or "what project(s) do you think would be the best fit for this system?"

I'm also inclined to encourage people to check to sign up for mailing
lists / updates, maybe fill-out volunteer form (would still love your
feedback on https://snowdrift.coop/p/snowdrift/volunteer )

Finally, a side note as we prepare for SCALE: We should figure out how
to *strongly* emphasize (given the audience we expect) that we are
recruiting folks to participate and figure out the best ways to make
that compelling (make a difference! learn new skills! get an official
title [maybe not stated like that but something that sounds like a real
opportunity with recognition]!) and emphasize Haskell (should have some
decent things to attract Haskellers or wanna-be Haskellers), that we
work to include HTML/CSS/JavaScript folks too and help beginners, and
that we need help with legal things and co-op structure etc. too…

In summary for that last paragraph: I want Haskellers to notice us and
say "oh! this is in Haskell!" and people who care about co-ops to say
"hey, I could help with co-op stuff" etc. but we have to balance things
because too many signals just becomes a mess.

Aaron Wolf Snowdrift.coop <https://snowdrift.coop>
Design mailing list

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