On 12/03/16 01:05 PM, Michael Siepmann wrote:
> I'm attaching a report on the intro messaging feedback from SCaLE
> 14x.  I'd be happy to discuss it in Monday's meeting if there's room
> in the agenda.  Comments, questions, or discussion via email are
> welcome too, of course.
> By the way, I would not normally need anywhere near this long between
> getting data and reporting on it.  Unfortunately multiple factors
> conspired to cause a long delay in this case.
> Best regards,
> Michael
> --
> Michael Siepmann, Ph.D.
> *The Tech Design Psychologist*™
> /Shaping technology to help people flourish/™
> 303-835-0501   TechDesignPsych.com
> <http://www.TechDesignPsych.com?id=esig>   OpenPGP: 6D65A4F7
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Thanks for producing the feedback survey and putting a report together.
I like the polling format of providing screenshots for people to
annotate, and the report is well-organised and succinct. Some
interesting points for discussion.

* p13, "Browse" link — if we make it clear on the front page info that
Snowdrift.coop is for funding projects, then it'd be clear also what
"Browse" refers to, e.g. no need to label "Browse projects".

* p13, "free the commons" — aiui the slogan isn't final, but confirm
with wolftune. There are other slogan ideas in the wiki. The current one
summarises the project goal and I don't have any clever suggestions at
this time.

* p14, "How it Works" and "Join Us" could maybe share similar style, or
both elements close in size to denote importance.

* p20, replace planet graphic — this may change eventually.

* p17, "Heavy users pay the same as small users? An admission fee is not
free!" — I don't understand the comment, or how the heavy/small users
comparison is relevant?

* p20, remove coop arrow — what's wrong with the coop arrow?

Items I'm unsure about:
* p13, highlight the "free" in "free the commons" — my interpretion is
it's not just "free" as in freedom, it's free in conjunction with the
support of community, in the overall interests of community.

* p14, prior knowledge — the problem is, although people don't need to
know what the Snowdrift Dilemma is or the snowdrift imagery to
appreciate some convenient way to support their favourite FLO projects,
it's important in understanding why the pledge matching is introduced,
one characteristic that makes Snowdrift.coop different from other
funding sites. The "freely-licensed" part is another defining
characteristic. If there is consensus that there are concepts which are
important for people to know about before signing up, then the next
question is finding a way to explain this simply and quickly before
visitors join or leave. "Public goods" is one of those terminology
questions I'd suggest discussing with wolftune, aiui there are specific
reasons for using the term.

* p20, putting Matching Pledge first — people may not be fully familiar
with FLO, and How It Works should explain what they're pledging towards,
then how they can pledge. Maybe the sustainability heading doesn't
entirely capture the section, it may also include accountability
policies/mechanisms and probably a reason why it wasn't merged with
Matching Pledge.

* p20, avoiding FLO acronym — does anyone have suggestions for better
wording that can fully convey FLO?

Just a few random thoughts on the topic.
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