Le 21 sept. 2014 à 03:23, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> a écrit :
> The important part to me about implementations is that implementations 
> shouldn't follow the known-bogus parts of the HTML5 REC once said bogosity if 
> fixed in the WHATWG spec and HTML5.1 (with the former more likely to happen 
> sooner).

Maybe it's an actionable feedback.
To propose a "notes for implementers" section saying something along: 
(text can be improved, better suggestions, etc.)

   "This published recommendation has switched 
    to a non maintenance mode. It may contain 
    mistakes or things may have changed since 
    the publication. Please make sure to check 
    the most up to date document BLAH [with 
    link to the whatwg spec] before implementing 
    any features."

Would that partly solve your concerns?

Karl Dubost, Mozilla

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