On 21/09/2014 00:29 , Karl Dubost wrote:
Le 21 sept. 2014 à 03:23, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> a écrit :
The important part to me about implementations is that
implementations shouldn't follow the known-bogus parts of the HTML5
REC once said bogosity if fixed in the WHATWG spec and HTML5.1
(with the former more likely to happen sooner).

Maybe it's an actionable feedback. To propose a "notes for
implementers" section saying something along: (text can be improved,
better suggestions, etc.)

"This published recommendation has switched to a non maintenance
mode. It may contain mistakes or things may have changed since the
publication. Please make sure to check the most up to date document
BLAH [with link to the whatwg spec] before implementing any

Would that partly solve your concerns?

I am currently thinking about some text that would include something like the above and the goal of which is to indicate how a given document ought to be used.

At the heart of the idea is the notion that different constituencies may have different needs, some needing a (relatively) stable snapshot while others need a (relatively) up to date document. Additionally, we can't presume to know who would need which when. The usual distinction made between lawyers and implementers is overly simplistic (e.g. a lawyer could need either, implementers of some specific tools might need a snapshot for some reason). Instead we can try something crazy new and trust readers not be radically dumb by providing them with the information they need to make up their minds.

This is a quick draft of the idea, it's very much open to evolution.

## Usage of this Document

Web standards are available in two flavours: snapshots, which are immutable versions made at a point in time and guaranteed never to change, and live versions which capture as much as possible the latest state of the technology and are intended to be continuously maintained and kept up to date.

Which version you should rely on and reference depends on your needs. If your specific situation demands am unchanging document, understanding that it is likely to contain defects that have been addressed elsewhere, then you will want to use the snapshot. If however you require a document that is as up-to-date as possible, then the live version is for you. If in doubt, we recommend you rely on the live document.

This document is a snapshot document. For the live version, please visit [link].

One suggestion in this space is to also drop the style sheet from snapshots to make it clear that they're not nice things to use (as in https://whatwg.org/specs/url/2014-07-30/). I understand the thinking but I am concerned that it could introduce issues (in some cases losing information). I do agree however that the styling of snapshots and live documents are altogether too often too close to one another. Workable suggestions in this space are very welcome (I'll be trying some stuff in my corner, which I'll make available soon).

Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/ - @robinberjon
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