On 14 July 2015 at 08:23, Benjamin Smedberg <benja...@smedbergs.us> wrote:
> The argument I am most sympathetic to is that this convention is a barrier
> to new contributors. Making new contributors productive, both employees and
> volunteers, is a very good reason to choose one style over another.

The C++ world is a huge mishmash of different styles. I don't think
Google style is necessarily any better than our style. And, to be
fair, our style is actually fairly close to Google style with a few
exceptions like variable naming.

The real issue is that we have vastly different code styles throughout
our codebase. We use 2 spaces for indentation in some modules and 4
spaces in others. Some places defiantly use tabs and a few files have
compromised on 3 space indentation (eww!). Some modules place the
pointer adjacent to the type, others put it beside the name. Some
modules always brace control statements, others do not.

It's not our style that is the problem for new (and old!)
contributors; it's the huge inconsistency. I'm making Clang-Format
compatible with our style over in bug 961541. Once Clang-Format is
good enough, I will rewrite the entire tree on a
directory-by-directory basis.

> Given that premise, we shouldn't just change aArgument; we should adopt the
> Google C++ style guide wholesale:
> * names_with_underscores
> * members_with_trailing_

If we were to do this, some names would become shorter and other
longer. That might break the 80 column limit in places and break
alignment in others. (Also keep in mind that Google style mandates
`foo_bar()` for getters and `set_foo_bar()` for setters.) This is a
general problem with rewriting. In order to perform them effectively,
we need to have a consistent style and tool to automatically reformat
diffs to that style.

I personally don't think switching to Google style naming is worth it.
It would require far more changes than just sticking with either
aFooBar or fooBar for no apparent benefit.

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