Would it be crazy for us to resort to a poll on these things?  I propose
abusing the mozillans.org "skills" field in profiles.

For example, I have created the following sets of skills on
mozillians.org by question, and which should autocomplete if you go to
the edit page for your profile at

"a" prefixing of arguments:
* style-args-no-a
* style-args-yes-a
* style-args-dont-care

Switching wholesale to the google code style:
* style-google-no
* style-google-yes
* style-google-dont-care

My rationale is:
* Everyone should have a mozillians.org account and if you don't and
this provides the motivation... hooray!
* This avoids vote stuffing, more or less
* I guess someone could easily filter it down to valid committer
* This requires no work on my part after this point.
* The autocomplete logic should let people add other options if they're
quick on their feet.

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