On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 10:16 PM, Peter Bowen via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:
> There are two important things about self-issued certificates:
> 1) They cannot expand the scope of what is allowed.
> Cross-certificates can create alternative paths with different
> restrictions.  Self-issued certificates do not provide alternative
> paths that may have fewer constraints.
> 2) There is no way for a "parent" CA to prevent them from existing.
> Even if the only cross-sign has a path length constraint of zero, the
> "child" CA can issue self-issued certificates all day long.  If they
> are self-signed there is no real value in disclosing them, given #1.
> I think that it is reasonable to say that self-signed certificates are
> out of scope.

Right, a self-signed certificate is also self-issued, but a self-issued
certificate is not necessarily self-signed (e.g. in the event of key

The question of whether self-signed should be in scope is largely related
to the question of trust anchor configuration and expression, and making
sure that mozilla::pkix is internally consistent with its evaluation of
trust anchors and self-consistent with the policy.

That is, consider https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-6.1.1 of RFC
5280 - the trust anchor may be provided in the form of a self-signed
certificate, which nominally encompasses the Subject field and
subjectPublicKeyInfo, but may also be used to derive additional constraints
as the input for 6.1.1. If mozilla::pkix consistently applies the
constraints expressed in the root cert (e.g. nameConstraints, as were
relied upon with HARICA), then a self-signed certificate is no concern.
However, if there is any disconnect - for example, using the merely the
Subject/SPKI for purposes of trust anchor evaluation, but then using the
certificate supplied as the basis for constraints, then you could bypass
constraints imposed via the root store.

Note: That would be a (logic) bug in mozilla::pkix, rather than an
intrinsic bug in the CAs' operations, and so it's probably easier and more
comprehensive to just fix that bug (IF it exists; I am fairly confident
Brian considered this scenario when initially writing it)

To the question of self-issued, there absolutely are risks to those, and we
should make sure they're disclosed. The most obvious case would be key
rotation events - that is, you have (Subject A, Key A) as the self-signed
(and self-issued) root in the Mozilla Store, and then it self-issues
(Subject A, Key B) as a key rotation. You may have an Intermediate,
(Intermediate C), which is signed by either Key A or cross-signed by Key B,
thus either chain works. However, the reason you want disclosure is that
you want to ensure that the creation and operation of Key B has been
appropriately audited - that someone isn't relying on a
misinterpretation/loophole to somehow consider (Subject A, Key B) as out of
scope, since it absolutely participates in the trust evaluation chain.

There's a secondary question related to self-signed, in which their
disclosure can help detect and remedy configuration issues and/or path
building issues, and so it serves a public interest/public good to have
those disclosed, but it's unclear whether that public interest/public good
is necessary to mandate via policy.

That is, consider the following scenario:
- "For Root or Intermediate Certificates that are disclosed, CAs are not
required to disclose self-signed variations of these certificates.
Self-signed shall mean that the Certificate's Subject and Issuer are
byte-for-byte identical, that the Certificate's Subject is byte-for-byte
identical with a Certificate already disclosed to Mozilla, and the
Certificate's subjectPublicKeyInfo is byte-for-byte identical with the same
already-disclosed certificate"

You can have the following scenarios:
- Duplicate serial numbers (would break NSS, since NSS is ... poorly
believing in the X.500 DIT in this respect)
- Cross-certification paths that confound and/or break clients (such paths
were why Red Hat patched in several legacy roots back to NSS in their
distribution, due to the behaviours of OpenSSL-and-other-libraries with
respect to validation)
- Improperly encoding / not adhering to the BRs in the issuance of that
self-signed certificate

So that would be an arguement for disclosing both self-signed and
self-issued certificates, and align with the "Disclose what the key does"
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