I tried downloading some Artemis bits using links from the website
earlier and found various links not working. Some just weren't updated
to reflect the newer checksum distribution policy, but most were
broken from pointing at the wrong download area/server and using the
query arguments that no longer apply. I've fixed the ones I saw now,
but as I had also done the same for earlier releases previously I
think its now worth noting the issue here to hopefully avoid future
breakages occurring.

It looks like the content is being copied unchanged from the main
download page to the past releases page. This wont work because the
main page links to the download mirrors and that content is removed
for historic releases as newer ones occur, so any links for past
releases must reference the archive. The mirrored download links also
use query arguments that don't apply for the archive area.

Instead, I think the simplest thing to do is to copy the prior release
entry on the past releases page and update the version numbers with
basic find/replace. I went to update the RELEASING.md file to suggest
this but found it already says that, so thought I'd send a mail to
highlight the issue instead.


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